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Klarsyn, Spådom & Åndelige sanserBevis for at vampyrer finnes

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Raven Emerald
Innlegg: 6
Startet: 16 Jan 2010 18:31

Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Raven Emerald »

Kimbara skrev:Og med denne informasjonen tror jeg vi kan enes om at det er spikeren i kista vedrørende troverdigheten til

Det kan man vel forsåvidt si, ja. =P

Vil påpeke at jeg riktignok tror at det finnes vampyrer, og jeg kjenner noen som kaller seg vampyrer. Blant dem en kvinne på 48. Tradisjonell husmor, og absolutt ikke gother. Vi har hatt mange lange, og gode samtaler om emnet. Så folk tror vel at jeg er, om ikke helt ute på jordet, så i allefall på god vei. =P Men på grunn av denne damen, og de andre jeg kjenner til, føler jeg også nødvendigheten av å påpeke hva vi vet ikke er sant. Skal vi noensinne komme til bunns i spørsmålet om hvorvidt vampyrer finnes, om de er vampyrer, og hva som i så tilfelle forårsaker vampyrisme (om det er genetisk, psykisk, viralt, bakterielt, you name it), må man iallefall luke ut de opplagte usannhetene.

Temaet er absolutt interessant, men er gjennomsyret av fantasier og overdrivelser, og det er derfor tildels vanskelig å finne det troverdig. Det ser man veldig godt ved at folk flest har inntrykk av at "alle som sier de er vampyrer, er gothere". De fleste jeg kjenner fra "vampyr-miljøet", er derimot ikke gothere. Om det kvalifiserer til å gjøre dem mer troverdige, vil jeg ikke påstå. Men dersom noen er over gjennomsnittet interessert, kan jeg være behjelpelig med en link til chatten drevet av min venninne. Så kan man selv avgjøre om hun virker troverdig eller ikke.
Antall ord: 266

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Innlegg: 4125
Startet: 01 Mar 2007 11:02
Kjønn (valgfri): satyriasis
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Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Kimbara »

Vel, jeg holder en knapp på at det er enten pretensiøs påståelse, innbarket vrangforestilling eller en mental forstyrrelse.

Det kunne dog vært interessant å få høre denne kvinnens personlige grunnlag for påstanden.
Antall ord: 37
When did ignorance become a point of view?

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Raven Emerald
Innlegg: 6
Startet: 16 Jan 2010 18:31

Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Raven Emerald »

Kimbara skrev:Vel, jeg holder en knapp på at det er enten pretensiøs påståelse, innbarket vrangforestilling eller en mental forstyrrelse.

Det kunne dog vært interessant å få høre denne kvinnens personlige grunnlag for påstanden.
Kan jo forsåvidt spørre henne om å komme hit, og fortelle litt. Hun har vokst opp i Statene, så norsk er dessverre ikke en del av hennes vokabular. Så om det er et problem med engelsk på forumet (finnes jo forum som absolutt ikke vil ha andre språk enn det opprinnelige), er det greit å få vite det før jeg snakker med henne. I så tilfelle er vel det beste alternativet å slenge ut link til chatten hennes, dersom det ikke går mot forum-reglene.
Antall ord: 126

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Startet: 25 Aug 2004 16:02
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Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av ludoburgero »

Det heter jo slik at vokalisten i Type O' Negative er en av de ekte vampyrene.
Vampyrer er forsåvidt et ukjent terreng for meg, jeg er nok mer foret med Hollywoodversjonen av dem, og den virker ikke spesielt interessant iallefall.
Antall ord: 41
“Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent,
leave the house before you find something worth staying in for.”

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Raven Emerald
Innlegg: 6
Startet: 16 Jan 2010 18:31

Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Raven Emerald »

ludoburgero skrev:Det heter jo slik at vokalisten i Type O' Negative er en av de ekte vampyrene.
Vampyrer er forsåvidt et ukjent terreng for meg, jeg er nok mer foret med Hollywoodversjonen av dem, og den virker ikke spesielt interessant iallefall.
Hollywood-utgaven er iallefall langt fra det som blir fremstilt av de ekte vampyrene (kaller dem ekte, jeg, selv om jeg heller ikke har konkrete beviser for at det er det de er). Ikke blir de til flaggermus, ikke tømmer de donorene sine for blod, ikke går de opp i flammer i sollys. En stake i hjertet vil nok drepe dem, da, men det er vel mer en menneskelig egenskap, enn det er "vampyrsk". =P Og ikke glitrer de i sollys, heller. Nesten litt skuffende, er det. De ikke engang ha blod for å leve, selv om samtlige insisterer på kraftig nedsatt fysisk form ved mangel på blod.

Edit: Mener ikke mangel på blod, som i anemisk. Men mangel på blod i kosten. Såvidt jeg vet, har flere av disse vært i kontakt med lege, for å finne ut hva som er galt. Uten at legen de har vært hos, har funnet noe som helst galt med dem.
Antall ord: 205

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Innlegg: 4125
Startet: 01 Mar 2007 11:02
Kjønn (valgfri): satyriasis
Blitt takket: 11 ganger

Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Kimbara »

ludoburgero skrev:Det heter jo slik at vokalisten i Type O' Negative er en av de ekte vampyrene.
Det gikk nok mer i heroin enn i blod der i gården. Kjenner jeg Pete Steel rett var det han selv som satte ut ryktet om at han var vampyr - selvironisk supergother som han er :)

Raven Emerald:

Det går nok fint å skrive engelsk her. Står ikke noe i reglene våre om dét.
Antall ord: 75
When did ignorance become a point of view?

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Raven Emerald
Innlegg: 6
Startet: 16 Jan 2010 18:31

Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Raven Emerald »

Kimbara skrev:Det går nok fint å skrive engelsk her. Står ikke noe i reglene våre om dét.
Ja, men da kan jeg slepe henne inn her, da. Så kan hun selv få forklare hva hun legger i det å være vampyr. Det er vel strengt tatt bedre at hun selv får fortelle, enn at jeg prøver å fortelle for henne.
Antall ord: 65

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Innlegg: 2
Startet: 19 Jan 2010 17:50

Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av VampireLuna »

Hello, Raven Emerald asked me to explain about real vampires. I am a real vampire. I was born this way. It seems to run in families. My mother and my maternal grandfather were also vampires but my brother and sister are not. To look at me you could not tell that I am a vampire, we look like everyone else. I'm 47 years old and have been married for 30 years. To everyone I seem to be just another housewife. I still need to sleep and eat a normal human diet but because I am a vampire, I need to feed on blood or at least raw/rare meat in order to maintain my health. Some vampires can feed on energy instead of blood and others can feed on either. A vampire that feeds on blood is called a sanguine or sang vampire which is what I am. One that feeds on energy is called a psi vampire and the ones that can feed on either are called hybrids. That is the biggest difference there is between a vampire and a normal human. We have other more subtle differences too but these other differences can often be common in normal humans. Some of these differences are.. we tend to be more awake and alert at night; most of us have problems being in direct sunlight for too long; we also usually have one or more psychic gifts; we tend to be stronger, faster and have quicker reflexes than people of similar age to ourselves; and our senses are a bit sharper than most people. We do not live to incredible ages but if we take care of our needs then we do tend to live a little longer than most people and heal somewhat faster from illness or injury than most people.
I would be happy to answer any other questions that you may have on vampirism.
Antall ord: 318

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Innlegg: 4125
Startet: 01 Mar 2007 11:02
Kjønn (valgfri): satyriasis
Blitt takket: 11 ganger

Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Kimbara »

VampireLuna skrev: I would be happy to answer any other questions that you may have on vampirism.
I don't know if you understand norwegian, so I'll adress you in english.

You have a lot of claims regarding what you call vampirism, but I wonder how well you can back them up. Do you have any kind of empirical evidence that confirms your claims?

Can you, for example, show me any scientific reports or statistics?

I ask this of you because your claims tend to be rather generic and diffuse. You "tend to live longer", you have problems being in the sun for "too long", you "tend to be more awake at night"...All this can fit in with almost anybody. I am more awake at nighttime. I'm not really fond of being exposed for the sun for "too long". I need meat to maintain good health (and blood alone would probably be good too, as it is a good source for iron).

But I don't believe myself to be a vampire. So I ask myself if your belief may have another reason than the physical "evidence" you claim.
When did you first come to believe you are a vampire? Obviously either someone must have told you, or you read about it. What kind of evidence convinced you?

I'm also curious about the so called "PSI-vampire". What kind of energy do they feed on, and how?
Antall ord: 241
When did ignorance become a point of view?

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Startet: 25 Aug 2004 16:02
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Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av ludoburgero »

I would not claim to be a vampire, just because I like beef tartar. :coffe2
Anyway, I would also like to hear more, VampireLuna!

I think that Kimbara has some good points here, because I see the retoric in your language.
"Too long" is what? Too long is of course too long no matter how you see it.

But if you don't feast on raw meat or consume blood, will this be harmful to your health?
That is what I see as the most interesting about your story.
Antall ord: 88
“Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent,
leave the house before you find something worth staying in for.”

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Innlegg: 2
Startet: 19 Jan 2010 17:50

Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av VampireLuna »

If we had scientific reports or statistics then more people would be able to accept vampirism as fact. Currently there is a group, Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study, that have been studying vampires and collecting data. If you'd like to see their findings thus far, here is the link:
Those things that you said are generalized are often seen in average people. I did state that. The thing which makes a vampire a real vampire is their need to feed. Not just a desire to feed but an actual need. If a vampire does not feed then their health declines. It will not kill them but they can become very ill. Unlike with an addiction, they will not feel better as time passes. To recover their health they need to feed. If it was simply a desire or even an obsession then over time they would recover without feeding.
I was raised knowing that I am a vampire. We did not call it vampirism but it was still vampirism. The earliest memory I have that could be assoiciated with vampirism is when I was 4 years old. Nothing extreme, just the first time I noticed the difference between myself and average people. Although I'm not sure if it is like this for all vampires, in my family we fed on raw beef until we were older. We are supposed to wait until after we are 18 to feed on blood. I was a few years younger than that when I had my first donor. The thing that convinced me that I was a vampire was when I went through a period in my life where I tried to deny what I was. I tried to be like everyone else. No feeding at all for well over a year. I did become very ill. The more time that past, the more ill I became. I was under a doctor's care but they could not tell exactly what was wrong with me. I was not anemic and had no known illness. Eventually I began to feed regularly again and my condition improved rapidly. Since then I've accepted the fact that I must feed to maintain my health and that I am without a doubt a vampire.
Psi vampires can feed from many different sources of energy. There is energy all around us.... in people, animal, plants, storms, emotions, and even in the elements such as fire, water, wind and air. Some vampires can feed on all or any of these sources but most psi vampires tend to have a source that they naturally feed from regularly. Some even claim that when a sang vampire feeds on blood that it is the energy contained in that blood on which they are feeding. I can draw energy from people and some other sources but for me that has not abated my need to feed on blood.
Much research still needs to be done in order for us to understand vampirism. Once it is better understood then vampirism will no longer be just a myth to so many people. So many scientific discoveries were once thought to be just myths. Through research and testing they were proven to be facts instead of myths. Hopefully in time the same will be true about vampirism but currently the research is still just beginning.
Thank you for replying in English because I understand very little in Norwegian.
Antall ord: 577

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Innlegg: 4125
Startet: 01 Mar 2007 11:02
Kjønn (valgfri): satyriasis
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Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Kimbara »

VampireLuna skrev:If we had scientific reports or statistics then more people would be able to accept vampirism as fact. Currently there is a group, Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study, that have been studying vampires and collecting data. If you'd like to see their findings thus far, here is the link:
As far as I can see, this is not real research. It seems they only seek to map out how many "vampires" there is in the world (for example). I could not find any research regarding the real problem; is there something we can call vampirism that is not merely a delusion?

The research done by this group seems to be based on the mere assumption that vampires do exist, and that's a fallacy.
Those things that you said are generalized are often seen in average people. I did state that. The thing which makes a vampire a real vampire is their need to feed. Not just a desire to feed but an actual need. If a vampire does not feed then their health declines. It will not kill them but they can become very ill.
Yes, so you claim, but can you produce any empirical evidence for this? Have "vampires" been tested medically?
One would think that if someone really suffered from such a condition, we would find medical reports on the subject.
I was raised knowing that I am a vampire. We did not call it vampirism but it was still vampirism. The earliest memory I have that could be assoiciated with vampirism is when I was 4 years old. Nothing extreme, just the first time I noticed the difference between myself and average people. Although I'm not sure if it is like this for all vampires, in my family we fed on raw beef until we were older. We are supposed to wait until after we are 18 to feed on blood. I was a few years
younger than that when I had my first donor.
Well, you see - this is not a surprise. Children are very open for suggestion (that's what raising children is all about). Has it occured to you that there is a possibility you think you are a vampire because you were raised this way?
The fact that you were thaught this from a very early age suggests that your whole personality is founded in this belief, and therefore disturbs your ability to reason (regarding this particular issue).
Now, this is just me pointing out a possibility - I'm not saying "this is the way it is, you lunatic!" ;)
The thing that convinced me that I was a vampire was when I went through a period in my life where I tried to deny what I was. I tried to be like everyone else. No feeding at all for well over a year. I did become very ill. The more time that past, the more ill I became. I was under a doctor's care but they could not tell exactly what was wrong with me. I was not anemic and had no known illness. Eventually I began to feed regularly again and my condition improved rapidly. Since then I've accepted the fact that I must feed to maintain my health and that I am without a doubt a vampire.
What do you mean by "no feeding at all"? Did you stop eating meat?
Psi vampires can feed from many different sources of energy. There is energy all around us.... in people, animal, plants, storms, emotions, and even in the elements such as fire, water, wind and air. Some vampires can feed on all or any of these sources but most psi vampires tend to have a source that they naturally feed from regularly. Some even claim that when a sang vampire feeds on blood that it is the energy contained in that blood on which they are feeding. I can draw energy from people and some other sources but for me that has not abated my need to feed on blood.
There is energy in blood, yes - as is in all other food. What you are saying (regarding PSI-vampires) is basically that they posess a totally unnecessary digestive system. This is a huge problem, as it would go against nature as we know it. No living organism would function this way. If the organism could just simply feed on any kind of energy source, the digestive system would be an evolutionary burden.
Much research still needs to be done in order for us to understand vampirism. Once it is better understood then vampirism will no longer be just a myth to so many people. So many scientific discoveries were once thought to be just myths. Through research and testing they were proven to be facts instead of myths. Hopefully in time the same will be true about vampirism but currently the research is still just beginning.
I can't say I have seen any serious research on the subject matter, apart from the anthropological, psychological and cultural studies (which concludes radically differently (is that the correct way of saying it?) from you).

For the time being, I must regard this phenomena as a mental delusion - given the evidence. This is not to say you are mentally ill, mind you, but the signs point to what I can only refer to as kind of a religious belief (which is, according to the definition of "a delusion", a delusion).

This is my personal stand, and I hope I'm not offending you personally. I also hope you understand my position, and that the necessary empirical evidence is missing completely.
Antall ord: 946
When did ignorance become a point of view?

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Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Slettet_Free »

Jeg er en Enhjørning. Ikke sann hest med horn altså men jeg liker store enger og grønt gress og alt det der.
Antall ord: 24

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Startet: 10 Mar 2010 21:51
Kjønn (valgfri): Sier seg selv=)
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Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Terjegutt »

Dette tror jeg på :- o
Men de er ikke som på film, de er ikke slemme og sånne ting.. vet ikke om det har blitt lagt ut tidligere da:- )

Eksempel fra Tyra Banks Show:
Antall ord: 41
Desto mere man tenker på det - Desto større sjanse er det for at det skjer :- )
Enten det er positivt eller negativt ^^

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Re: Bevis for at vampyrer finnes

Innlegg av Heksepusen »

Tråden er ryddet.
Vær venlig og hold dere til tema.
Ris og ros tas på pm
Vennlig hilsen
mod Heksepusen
Antall ord: 22
Jeg kan ikke døme andre før jeg dømmer meg selv.

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