What Do Dead People Do? - View from the Other Side
Anita Moorjani
When we move to the other side we lose our physical body. You may think that's obvious, but the implication of not having a body doesn't really hit you until you lose it. Being without a body means you have no biology, so no gender, no race, but also no fingers to touch, and no vocal chords to speak... What we do have, however, is a heightened sense of awareness. While we have no eyes to see what's in front of us, it's like we can see 360 degrees around us. Without any ears, we can hear a whisper from miles away. It's a very different way of being and it takes time to get used to navigating in this new way. The other side accommodates us by showing us things that bring us comfort, like our family members and pets who have passed on, or a peaceful meadow or our favorite vacation spot. But what I sensed while I was on the other side, was that you don't need these familiar surroundings for very long.
As I began to get relax into the other side I realized there were more people there to greet me, those who knew me from other lives my soul had lived. If I had stayed longer, I would have started to identify with all my other lives, and through this reconnection, I would have integrated back into oneness (aka the disco ball ). And while I know my soul would have maintained it's individuality, it would not be individuality as we know it here.
So what do dead people do? They spend some time processing their life, reintegrating their past identities back into their awareness, and then their soul continues to evolve. All souls are at different stages, but whether their next step is reincarnation or if they plan to stay on the other side, I am certain that they spend most of their time uplifting and guiding those of us who are here, and helping to push the world as a whole towards peace and unity.
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Sjamanistisk konfirmasjon 2025
- En meningsfull reise inn i voksenlivet.
I dagens samfunn søker mange ungdommer etter alternative måter å markere overgangen fra barn til voksen.
En av disse alternativene er sjamanistisk konfirmasjon, arrangert av Sjamanistisk Forbund.
Dette ritualet er en del av en stadig voksende bevegelse som søker å gjenopplive og modernisere gamle, naturbaserte tradisjoner.
Hva er Sjamanistisk Forbund?
Sjamanistisk Forbund er en organisasjon som arbeider for å fremme sjamanisme som en spirituell praksis og livsstil i Norge.
Forbundet ble stiftet i 2012 og har siden den gang vokst i antall medlemmer og aktivitetstilbud.
Sjamanisme, slik det praktiseres av forbundet, er en naturbasert åndelighet som legger vekt på kontakten med naturen, åndeverdenen og indre visdom.
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Till Death Do Us Part? - View from the Other Side
Jeg må si at jeg har et godt hjerte for denne damen og hennes opriktige opplevelser
Jeg må si at jeg har et godt hjerte for denne damen og hennes opriktige opplevelser
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Developing a Language with the Other Side
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