Healing og annen alternativ medisinYou are a Healer

Healing, og annen alternativ medisin. Stedet for å diskutere hvordan man kan få hjelp med kjente teknikker.

Moderatorer: Asbjørn, mod healing

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Startet: 27 Nov 2006 21:18
Kjønn (valgfri): oftopic
Lokalisering: Urula
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You are a Healer

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You Are A Healer
A healer does not heal with their hands, their mind nor with a specific technique. A healer heals with their heart. There are many healing modalities that a person can use to improve their lives and their health. None is more powerful than love.

If you were to learn many of these techniques you would find that love is a pattern that weaves itself through all healing. It is a constant. This is because healing comes from understanding and living all that you are. And at your core, you are made of love. There is a difference between understanding that you are love and living it. This is known as the 13 inch journey, the journey for the realization to travel from you mind, where you understand it intellectually, to your heart where you feel and live it. When this happens you will know. There is no mistaking the experience.

Many people find that they experience this feeling (actually a way of being) for a while and then it disappears, leaving them feeling sad or disappointed. Indeed, there is a big difference in how a person experiences life from the love awareness as opposed to when the feeling subsides. This subsiding is a gift. It teaches that you have a choice between living in love and living in fear.

Living in love is where healing takes place. The key is not how long you can stay in love but that you realize when you have fallen out of it. Then the decision to go back to love or not is yours. And here is where the personal issues start coming up. Sometimes it seems easier or more justified to be angry, hurt, depressed or whatever. Some people will bury this realization in food, compulsive spending, over working, alcohol, unhealthy relationships or in some other way. I believe that denying who you are, denying what many people call the "I Am" is at the root of all illness be it physical, mental or spiritual. And love is the healer.

You already possess within you all that is needed for perfect health. It is simply a matter of peeling back the layers and having the courage to look inside. You will find inside a light so bright and beautiful that you may be frightened at first by its power and love. You may feel undeserving or uncertain about the responsibility of being this light. It may help you to realize that this is who you already are. Inside, every person has the same light and uncovering it is what healing is all about. All is love.

By Linda White Dove

Healing others by Healing Yourself
Healing through intention is available to ordinary people, and healers may be more experienced or naturally talented in tapping in to the field.

There's physical evidence that those who are capable of healing through intention have a greater coherence and a greater ability to marshal quantum energy and transfer it to those in need of healing. I interpret this scientific evidence to mean that deciding to focus life energy on being in coherence with the power of intention gives you the capacity to heal yourself and others. This means essentially abandoning the fear that permeates your consciousness. And it also means recognizing the fear-based energy promoted by much of the heath-care industry. The field of intention has no fear in it. Any disease process is evidence that something is amiss. Any fear associated with the disease process is further evidence that something is amiss in the working of the mind. Health and peace are the natural state when that which prevents them is removed.

Research shows that healing through intention, which is actually healing through connecting to the field of intention, is
possible for everyone.

Wayne Dyer

http://www. guba.com/watch/3000020663


http://www. guba.com/watch/3000020706
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Jeg er kun ansvarlig for hva jeg skriver, ikke for hvordan du forstår det...

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Sjamanistisk konfirmasjon 2025
- En meningsfull reise inn i voksenlivet.

I dagens samfunn søker mange ungdommer etter alternative måter å markere overgangen fra barn til voksen.
En av disse alternativene er sjamanistisk konfirmasjon, arrangert av Sjamanistisk Forbund.
Dette ritualet er en del av en stadig voksende bevegelse som søker å gjenopplive og modernisere gamle, naturbaserte tradisjoner.

Hva er Sjamanistisk Forbund?
Sjamanistisk Forbund er en organisasjon som arbeider for å fremme sjamanisme som en spirituell praksis og livsstil i Norge.
Forbundet ble stiftet i 2012 og har siden den gang vokst i antall medlemmer og aktivitetstilbud.
Sjamanisme, slik det praktiseres av forbundet, er en naturbasert åndelighet som legger vekt på kontakten med naturen, åndeverdenen og indre visdom.
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First Day
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Startet: 18 Feb 2007 21:12
Kjønn (valgfri): vi'kke si så !
Lokalisering: Norra Skandinavien
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Längst upp på hjässan sitter kronchakrat. Färgen här är magenta. Fyll hjässan med denna färg. Här kan man komma att utveckla sin visdom. Tänk mantrat: "Jag vet."

Tänk nu att genom hela kroppen, från benen upp genom bålen, går en tråd som fortsätter ut genom hjässan upp i luften och ut i universum. De tänkta rötterna genom fötterna förankrar oss i jorden och håller oss jordnära. Tråden genom vår kropp ut i universum hjälper oss att utveckla vår fantasi och bevara barnet i oss. Den tänkta tråden hjälper oss även att sträcka på kroppen och bevara en god hållning.

Kom tillbaks med tanken in i kroppen och känn att du befinner dig "här och nu". Känn efter att det känns bra när du tänkt igenom hela din kropp och fyllt den med färger. Lek med tanken att ca 30 cm ovanför huvudet finns ett chakra till, ett klot med vitt ljus. Tänk dig att det är ett gnistrande ljus, ungefär som ett tomtebloss. Låt det gnistrande ljuset lysa över dig och som en slöja eller kokong innesluter det vita ljuset dig. Känn att du blir stark och motståndskraftig av det vita ljuset. Låt ljuset mattas ned, men känn fortfarande att du har "skölden" kvar, som kan vara en hjälp och ett stöd i vardagens motgångar.

Öppna ögonen, rör på fingrar och tår, känn välbehaget och lugnet i ditt sinne.

- Alis Hummelblad, 2005
Antall ord: 286
The substans of your thoughts is the key.
Probably also one part of the buildning of the Universe.

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Re: You are a Healer

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Fine ord. Jeg savner deg, ?
Antall ord: 5
“Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent,
leave the house before you find something worth staying in for.”

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