Meditasjon og andre selvutviklingsmetoderDavid Lynch: Transcendental Meditation

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David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation

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David Lynch: Catching the Big Fish - Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity.

Utdrag fra en David Lynch presentasjon på 2 Cd'er om sitt arbeide og hans tolkninger av transcendental meditasjon som han har praktisert siden 1973.

I juli 2005 lanserte han David Lynch Foundation For Consciousness-Based Education and Peace. Organisasjonen finansierer stipender til studenter som ønsker å lære transcendental meditasjon. Han er også en aktiv pådriver for å få meditasjon inn i skoler og fengseler. Det har vært en kraftig nedgang i antall vold, selvmord og kriminalitet hvor transcendental meditasjon har blitt innført. Større grupper som mediterer har en katalysator effekt på omgivelsene.

"Dette sier David Lynch i et intervju med aftenpostens i går 18. oktober. Og han fortsetter med å si: “Livets mål er utvidelse av lykke! Vi burde være lykkelige, lykkelige, lykkelige! lykkelige “campers” … (som han sa) … “som små hundevalper som logrer fornøyd med halene sine. Vi er ment å være gode mot hverandre. Vi burde glede oss over livet! Og hemmeligheten til gleden ligger inne i oss!”

Se videointervjuet på ... 862304.ece"

Jeg legger ut utdrag fra hans presentasjonen som for det meste handler om det filosofiske svevende aspektet. Hans biografiske og jobbmessige skildringer om hvordan han synes transcendental meditasjon har hjulpet ham til mestring ser jeg bort ifra. Jeg skrev ned det jeg synes er essensen, jeg er for lat til å rette på det, så du får ta det som det er hvis det er av interesse.

Fra Catching the Big Fish:

- Consciousness

Through meditation one realizes the unbounded, that which is unbounded is happy, there is no happiness in the small ~ Chandogya Upanishad

Little fish swim on the surface, but the big ones swim down below. If you can expand the container you're fishing in - your consciousness - you can catch bigger fish. Here's how it works, inside in every human being there's an ocean of pure vibrant conciousness, when you trancend in trancendental meditation you dive down into that ocean of pure consciousness, you splash into it, and its bliss. You can vibrate with this bliss, experiencing pure conciousness enlivens it, expands it, it starts to unfold and grow. If you have a golf ball size consciousness when you read a book - you'll have a golf ball size understanding, when you look out a window - a golf ball sized awarness, when you wake up in the morning - a golf ball sized awakefullness, and as you go about your day - a gold ball sized inner happiness. But if you can expand that consciousness, make it grow. Then when you read that book - you'll have more understanding, when you look out - more awarness, when you wake up - more awakefullness, and as you go about your day - more inner happiness. You can catch ideas at a deeper level, and creativity really flows, it makes life more like a fantastic game.

- Intuition

Know that by knowing which everything is known ~ Chandogya Upanishad

Life is filled with abstractions, and the only way we make heads or tails of it is through intuition. Intuition is seeing the solution, seeing it, knowing it, its emotion and intellect going together, thats essential for the filmmaker. How do you get something to feel right, everybodies got the same tools, the camera, and the tapes, and the world and actors. But in putting those parts together there are differences, thats where intuition enters. Personally i think intuition can be sharpened and expanded through meditation, diving into the self. There's an ocean of consciousness inside each of us, and its an ocean of solutions, when you dive into that ocean, that consciousness, you enliven it. You dont dive for specific solutions, you dive to enliven that ocean of consciousness. Then your intuition grows, and you have a way of solving those problems, knowing when its not quite right, and knowing a way to make it feel correct for you. That capacity grows and things go much more smoothley.

- The Unified Field

One unbounded ocean of consciousness became light, water and matter. And the 3 became many. In this way the whole universe was created as an unbounded ocean of consciousness ever unfolding within itself ~ Chandogya Upanishad

The ocean of pure consciousness, that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi talks about, is also known by modern science as the unified field. When Maharishi first arrived the United States in 1959, the unified field from quantum physics hadn't yet been discovered, so people would say, "oh, that's baloney." They're looking for some field with the base of everything, but it dosent really exist, no one knows if its true. But then about 30 years ago, quantum physichs discovered this field, they
discovered it by going into matter. Deeper, deeper and deeper, and one day there it was. The unified field. And then scientist like Dr. John Hagelin said thats its true. Every single thing that is a thing emerges from this field. So modern science and agent science are coming together. Vedic science, the science of consciousness studies the laws of nature. The constitution of the universe, and how it all unfolds. In vedic science this ocean of pure consciousness is called "Atma", the self. Know thy-self, well how? You dont know yourself by looking in a mirror. You dont know yourself by sitting down and having a talk with yourself. But it's there, within, within, within. Transcendental meditation is a simple, easy, effortless technique that allows any human being to dive within. Too experience sulleler levels of mind and intellect, and to enter this ocean of pure consciousness, the unified field, the self, its not the intellectual understanding of the field, but the experiencing of it that does everything, you dive within, and by experiencing this field of pure consciousness, you enliven it, you fold it, it grows, and the final outcome of this growth of consciousness is called enlightment. Which is the full potential for us all.

John Hagelin:

- Getting There

That state of Atma alone, that state of simplest form of awarness alone, is worthy of seeing, hearing, contemplating, and realizing ~ Chandogya Upanishad

Some forms of meditation are just conteplation or concentration, and they'll keep you on the surface. You won't transcend. And you won't get that fourth state of consciousness, and you won't get that bliss, you'll stay on the surface. Relaxation techniques can take you a way inn, that's beautiful, it's like having a massage, but it's not transcending. Transcending is it's own unique thing. When you dive within, the self is there, the true happiness is there. There's a pure, huge, unbounded ocean of it. It's bliss. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual happiness. And all those things that used to kill you diminishes, in the film business there's so much pressure, there's so much room for anxiety and fear. But transcending makes life more like a game, a fantastic game. And creativity can really flow. It's an ocean of creativity. It's the same creativity that creates everything that is a thing. It's us. And why is it so easy, because it's the nature of the mind, because the mind want's to go to fields of greater happiness. It just naturally wants to go, and the deeper you go, the more there is of that until you hit a 100% pure bliss. Transcendental meditation is the vehicle that takes you there. But it's that experiencing of the ocean of pure bliss consciousness that does everything.

- Modern Science and Agent Science

Scientificly more and more is coming out to show that transcending is real, and it's benefits are real, by measuring EEG patterns in brain research thay can prove that someone is transcending. They can prove that the person is experiencing a fourth state of consciousness, iv'e seen this in live demonstrations travelling with neuro-scientist Dr. Fred Travis. When you work on music, you use a certain part of your brain, when you talk you use another part, when you sing, you use a different part. When you do mathematichs you use still another part. But if you want to use your full brain, you need to transcend. And then every time you transcend you carry a little bit more of that transcendental consciousness as you work on your mathematic problems, as you sing, or what have you. Your brain is holding this coherence no matter what you do, it's a holistic experience, it's total brain functioning, and that increasingly becomes a permanent state the more you experience the unified field, the more that consciousness grows, it dosen't happen overnight, but it happens more and more each day. Vedic science has always said that this field is there, and that you can experience it. And now modern science with each step forward is affirming that.

- Identity

The thing about meditation is, you become more and more you.

- Light of The Self

Negativity is like darkness, so what is darkness. You look at darkness and see that it's really nothing, it's the absence of something. You turn on the light and darkness goes. But sunlight for instance dosen't get rid of negativity, you get rid of darkness, but not negativity. So what light can you turn on that removes negativity the way sunlight removes darkness. It's the light of pure consciousness, the self, the light of unity. Don't fight the darkness, don't even worry about the darkness, turn on the light and the darkness goes. Turn up that light of pure consciousness, negativity goes. No you say; "it sounds so sweat, it sounds too sweat". But it's a real thing.

- Innland Empire

We are like the spider, we weave our life and move along in it. We are like the dreamer, who dreams, and then lives in a dream. This is true for the entire universe ~ Chandogya Upanishad

- Sleep

Sleep is really important, you too rest the fysiology to be able to work well and meditate well. When i dont get enough sleep my meditations are duller. You may have been dipping into sleep at the beginning of your meditation cause you're settling down. But if you're well rested you'll have a clearer, deeper experience. Maybe even in a sleeping meditation you're transcending a little, but it's far better to have a clear clean system as you go inn. And when you dive it's very powerful, very deep. When you meditate the mind settles down to that deepest level, and the fysiology settles down right behind it. And now through lot's of reasearch, they know that in that deepest state in meditation, you're getting 3 times deeper rest then that of the deepest sleep. Still, sleep is important to prepare you to get to that level.

- Compasion

Meditation is not a selfish thing. Even though you are diving in and experiencing the self, you're not closing yourself off from the world. You're strengthening yourself, so you can be more effective when you go back out into the world. It's like they say on airplanes: "first put your mask on, and then help those next to you put theirs on." My friend Charlie Ludgio used to say: "there's a guy crying on a curb, and you sit down to comfort him, and pretty soon there's two guys crying in the curb." So compasion, apprisiation for others, and the capacity to help others are enhanced when you meditate. You start diving down and experiencing this ocean of pure love, pure peace, you could say pure compasion. You experience that and know it by being it. Then you go out into the world, and you can really do something for people.

- Consciousness-Based Education

One of the main things that got me talking publicly about transendental meditation, was seeing the difference it could make to kids. Kids are suffering, stress is now hitting them at a younger and younger age. At just about the time they get out of the cryb. And there is all these different learning disorders that i've never even heard of before. At the same time i saw the result of consciousness-based education, which is education that develops the full potential of the human being. It's the same education everyone receives, with the added bonus that the student learns to dive within. And unfold that self, that pure consciousness. There's a school principal, Dr. George Rutherford in Washington DC., who has introdused trancendental meditation into 3 schools. Before that, the schools were filled with violence; there were shootings, suicide, and violence. But he got the staff meditating, got the teachers meditating, got the students meditating, and watch it all turn around. There's another principal, Karmen Anamde in Detroit, who introduced transcedental meditation in here school about 9 years ago. The kids meditate 10 minutes in the morning together, 10 minutes in the afternoon, and the school is a blissfull school. Those kids are happier, getting better grades, and going out and experiencing all kinds of sucess. It's something that works. You take in more intellectual knowledge during school b/c it's so much fun. But you're also expanding the container of that knowledge. You contrast that with what normal education produces, which is a joke. It's facts and figures, but the knower does not know him or herself. One night i saw a play at Mayarishi School in Iowa. A school that has consciousness based education. It was a cold and rainy night. And when i was told i was going to see a high school play, i thought; "man, is going to be a very long night." I was in the middle of this little theather, a beautiful little theather, and out on the stage came the students. They woren't professional actors, they were just kids putting on a play. But i was never more blown away, i thought it was better than a broadway production. B/c what i saw was conscioussnes on these faces, i livelig glowing consciousness. They had such intelligence and timing, and their humor was right on the money. You dont worry about students like that, their self-sufficient, they're going to do fine in the world, and their going to make the world better by being in it. My foundation, the David Lynch Foundation for consciousness-based education, the world peace, was set up to help more kids to get that kind of experience. We've raised money and given it to schools all over the country for thousands and thousands of students to learn to meditate. And its amazing to see kids who do this, stress just dosent catch them, its like water off a ducks back. I want to do this not only for the students sake, for their own growth of consciousness, but for all of us. B/c we are like lightbolbs, and like likebolbs we can enjoy that brighter light of cosciousness within, and also radiate it. I believe that the key to peace is in this. If there were 10,000 new meditating students, it would affect this country, it would be like a wave of peace. It's harmony, coherence, real peace. In the indvidual the light of consciousness drives negativity further and further away. In the world it can do the same thing.

- Real Peace

Avert the danger that has not yet come ~ Yoga Sutras

People are so convinced that we cant have peace, that it's a joke now. Somebody wins a beauty pagin and the joke is, she wants world peace, and everybody has a big laugh. Nobody believes in peace, it's a nice idea, but that's all it is. Just a sweet little old lady idea, it's meaningless, it's never going to happen. And we live in this hellhole, and we think it's got to be this way. But what if we're wrong. We know that in one human being, when you wrap up consciousness, when you wrap up that light of unity. Negative things begin to receed. In that individual, you see more and more intelligence. More and more creativity. More and more bliss. Negativity going away. And a positive influence pouring out into the world. So if there were many many meditators, it would be beautiful. But even without that, small groups of advanced meditators could still make a huge difference. The theory is that if the square route of 1% of the worlds population, or 18,000 people, practices advanced meditation techniques in a group, then that group according to published research is quadratically more powerful then the same number scattered about. These peace creating groups have been formed for short term studies. And every time the advanced meditators got together in a group they dramatically affected the area around them. They measurly reduce crime and violence. How did they do that? There is a field of unity within everyone, it's always been there. It's unbounded, infinite, and eternal. It's that level of life that never had a beginning. It is and it will be forever. And it can be enlivend. In a human being the enlivining of that field leads to enlightenment, the full potantial of the individual. In the world the result of enlivening unity by a peace creating group would be real peace on earth.
Sist redigert av avva på 10 Nov 2010 18:52, redigert 1 gang totalt. Antall ord: 2956

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Sjamanistisk konfirmasjon 2025
- En meningsfull reise inn i voksenlivet.

I dagens samfunn søker mange ungdommer etter alternative måter å markere overgangen fra barn til voksen.
En av disse alternativene er sjamanistisk konfirmasjon, arrangert av Sjamanistisk Forbund.
Dette ritualet er en del av en stadig voksende bevegelse som søker å gjenopplive og modernisere gamle, naturbaserte tradisjoner.

Hva er Sjamanistisk Forbund?
Sjamanistisk Forbund er en organisasjon som arbeider for å fremme sjamanisme som en spirituell praksis og livsstil i Norge.
Forbundet ble stiftet i 2012 og har siden den gang vokst i antall medlemmer og aktivitetstilbud.
Sjamanisme, slik det praktiseres av forbundet, er en naturbasert åndelighet som legger vekt på kontakten med naturen, åndeverdenen og indre visdom.
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Startet: 24 Jul 2008 20:01
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Re: David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation

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Re: David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation

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:mozilla_oops: Jeg skulle ønske dette innlegget kunne vært forklart i korte trekk, for en utålmodig sjel, som ikke helt takler å lese laaaaange innlegg med mye klipp og lim og spesielt på engelsk.... :mozilla_oops:
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Re: David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation

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Alva26 skrev::mozilla_oops: Jeg skulle ønske dette innlegget kunne vært forklart i korte trekk, for en utålmodig sjel, som ikke helt takler å lese laaaaange innlegg med mye klipp og lim og spesielt på engelsk.... :mozilla_oops:
Beklager, men jeg orker ikke oversette til norsk. Det er lett forståelig engelsk. Ikke vær så utålmodig. Les det bare hvis det intresserer deg og når du har tid. :)


Tenk om f.eks 6 billioner mennesker hadde gått sammen og meditert for fred og harmoni. Jeg tror det ville gitt enorme resultater. La oss si vi bodde i en kultur som mediterte 2 ganger til dagen for freden og harmonien, slik at det vedvarte. Det som er så trist er at disse tankene blir en utopi. David Lynch gjør en utmerket jobb i å prøve å spre dette budskapet til alle, bl.a. gjennom David Lynch Foundation. Skoler og fenglser som har introdusert transcendental meditasjon har hatt veldig god respons på tiltaket, det gir resultater. Det takket være ildsjeler som har tro på dette. Både for de som mediterer, men også for omgivelsene, og jo større grupper jo bedre, desto større er effekten på omgivelsene. Han sier også at erfarne meditasjons utøvere i grupper har sterkerer kraft enn de uerfarne, så meditasjon kan læres og fordypes.

Vi ser og hører om så mye elendighet, vi klager, vi bombarderes av negative ting hele tiden. Men det er også et spørsmål om persepsjon. Kanskje ved å bringe meditasjonen inn i felleskapet, har vi (1) nøkkel til en bedre tilværelse. Problemet er som som klisjeen i en skjønnhetskonkurranse: "et ønske om fred i verden!", det blir noe å le av. Hvorfor? Fordi det går ikke ann, det er uoppnåelig, ikke realistisk. Vel, David Lynch gjør et utmerket forsøk.

Det jeg føler er at vi alle streber etter et forbedring av vårt potensiale. Og det bør jo være et grunnlag for forbedring, slik at vi hele tiden kan utvikle oss.
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Re: David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation

Innlegg av GJEST »

Jeg kan ikke meditere, tror jeg. Har prøvd noen ganger, men det gir meg ingenting, merker ingenting, kunne like gjerne lagt en kabal med kort el.l.
Så om alle mennesker satte seg ned og mediterte tror jeg egentlig ikke verden ville blitt et bedre sted. Det finnes nok flere som meg, tror jeg... :mozilla_foot:
Antall ord: 55

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Re: David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation

Innlegg av Appelsin »

David Lynch er en fin fyr!! :mozilla_wink:
Antall ord: 8
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" - Shakespear

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Re: David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation

Innlegg av ludoburgero »

Takk for at du deler, avva! :D
Jeg fikk ikke lest hele innlegget, men skummet litt gjennom det.

Tar det imorgen ;)

David Lynch er en mann jeg har sett opp til i mange år.
Han er en av mine store respekterte favoritter.
Filmene hans er helt utrolige. Musikken er heller ikke til å forakte.
Spesiell fyr, veldig spesiell. Liker det.
Antall ord: 58
“Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent,
leave the house before you find something worth staying in for.”

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Re: David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation

Innlegg av avva »

Alva26 skrev:Jeg kan ikke meditere, tror jeg. Har prøvd noen ganger, men det gir meg ingenting, merker ingenting, kunne like gjerne lagt en kabal med kort el.l.
Så om alle mennesker satte seg ned og mediterte tror jeg egentlig ikke verden ville blitt et bedre sted. Det finnes nok flere som meg, tror jeg... :mozilla_foot:
Jeg mediterer heller ikke, men burde kanskje begynne...

Du sier at meditasjon ikke har virkning, men det er jo nettopp det det har på de skolene i USA som har innført det i skoledagen. Dette på grunn av ildsjeler som på de ulike skolene har satt dette ut i praksis. Det har vært markant nedgang i vold, selv(mord) og kriminalitet . Skolene har blitt mer harmoniske. Hva det er som hjelper kan diskuteres, men det har hatt virkning. Og takk til David Lynch for hans bidrag.
Antall ord: 149

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Re: David Lynch: Transcendental Meditation

Innlegg av Isan »

avva skrev:Tenk om f.eks 6 billioner mennesker hadde gått sammen og meditert for fred og harmoni.
Så mange mennesker fins ikke. Du har nok tatt det direkte fra engelsk. Når engelskspråklige sier billion, mener de det samme som når vi sier milliard på norsk. Men poenget i setningen din er like bra for det - for all del - ikke misforstå! :)

Da de innførte meditasjon, og jeg tror også yoga, som tilbud i Indias verste fengsel, gikk det visst ikke mange ukene før stemningen og atmosfæren i fengselet var en helt annen, mye mer harmonisk og mindre vold, både mellom innsatte og mot ansatte. Nå sørget den nye direktøren samtidig for å få mye bedre kvalitet på maten også, og det gjorde sikkert ikke saken verre.
Antall ord: 135
Åpen for det aller, aller meste - kritisk til alt.

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