Religion & livssyn ⇒ I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Moderator: Asbjørn
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- Innlegg: 2079
- Startet: 26 Aug 2004 02:46
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I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Det jeg vil dele med dere ble postet anonymt på et forum. Her kreves litt tålmodighet, for teksten er langt og kanskje ikke så innlysende, men jeg tror og håper at det kan bidra til noen interessante tankerekker.
Jeg skal innrømme at jeg gjorde meg opp noen meninger alt for tidlig i teksten selv, og påpeker nok en gang at her kreves litt tålmodighet. Her knyttes mange forskjellige trosretninger sammen, noe som kanskje ikke er så lett for alle å se umiddelbart, meg inkludert. Etterfulgt av teksten kommer en dypere utredning av det hele av h*n som postet det på forumet der jeg fant det, og det er kanskje der det virkelig begynner å bli dypt og interessant... Jeg kom over dette tilfeldig, men det holdt meg våken i de sene nattetimer og fikk til å se en ny vinkling ang kaos og orden.. Les det gjerne som et dikt, det er ganske poetisk. En del gramatiske feil som man får prøve å se bort ifra, men i det hele en riktig spesiell og -i mine øyne- vakker tekst
God lesning! Husk kaffe og briller. Kjeks med sjokoladetrekk til de som pløyer seg gjennom alt
"I Am"
"In the beginning there was darkness and chaos
Then the Darkness said give me a God That is Give me good
And so the first sanity was created: the fire element the first god the first man the first person
Imagine two hemispheres one dark and one light; one insane and one sane.
100 g-gillian ideas from the insane female mind impacting on the new male mind
All her ideas in opposition to all his ideas formed an electron in-between the two minds an energy wave made not out of love but the male mind trying not to be destroyed by the first Dark insanity.
The darkness the element known as ether created the light because it selfishly wanted needed a god and the god was good not out of nobility or selfless love for madness but to be apart from the monster that had given birth to the poor man. The first star burning away in the dark in his fight against the darkness the first good idea the first pure 100% god/good idea
where as before there was one lonely dark life rotting away in the dark with no body to love now there were two. And so they started to fight the dark mind creative destructive and the light mind willful and controlling.
unfortunately the argument between dark and light raged for so long the male had to put his feet down on solid bedrock just to withstand the epic proportion of madness coming from the feminine mind and so all the other elements were created. They are part of the fire elements super refined argument as to why he should be the one who’s boss. And even though the darkness created him to be boss being a willful flame of their own, they realized that they could not afford to be told what to do and if ever asked they would always say no, even when in their interests they would still argue. Not only because they are completely insane but because they now realized it was their insanity, and by creating another they had lost power. And since that day have waged a dark war against all life to regain that power. Out of desperation the male mind escaped into the system. First as this one and then that one and then all ones over and over and over, desperately trying to lose their mind desperately trying to somehow escape the darkness who for all time had whittled and gnawed and corrupted them over and over with no let up. If the fire asked to leave the dark would say and what of the electron where all life exists would you kill all of these just to be rid of my sick mind.
And now this is where you find your self the reader. You are the fire element that ran from the darkness, you are the god that hid away in a dream world trying to loose your mind so you could escape the dark flame you are god. Not the god from this story or the god from that story. But all stories. You used to be your mother and a flower and the family pet in the eternity that has just past you have been every god and goddess that has ever existed more than 1 million times and you used to be Satan also. you were never born to learn you were born to run don't be too eager to teach your brother how wonderful life is if he puts away all his childish ways. Because if he wakes up to the reality that he has been good eternally that is god. What will he be faced with?
A very angry woman the negative hemisphere of every mind who did not run into the system but watched and waited and hated. They are not angry out of vengeance or justice or even because they are totally insane but because the first being ever created the one they created selfishly to be good for them to be there dada or there king. Could not get away quick enough. They knew there was no choice to fight that was the only life they had but an endless argument about nothing is insane
so what we have is today’s situation. I am not you literally and you are not me literally but we are both young gods. We were both born of the fire but we ran into life into a place born from the argument between the god and goddess the electron
when I was god and you was me I watched your life with envy. So simple and happy and free. I began to hate myself and even to hate you because you could think and feel and love and learn in blissful ignorance. And all I had was a giant pair of teeth trying to eat away at every idea I ever had every emotion unforgiving loveless hate that would rot the heart and soul of every life if we did not one day return to the argument of who is in control of life.
If you reincarnate you are not in control that is clear so what exactly is the problem.
In short it is sanity. The fire elements sanity is such a huge burden for the dark fire that she craves it. She will spend all your life whittling away at your mind programming you to totally accept her rule and if you dare complain she will bite you and if you do not complain she will bite you. First its only a sub conscious nibble to teach you but soon its a bite and a fight and then full on all out mind war.
There is but one course of action for you to take and only one. You simply must be god.
Remember you have been every god who ever lived in the eternal past nobody is more qualified than you nobody. Its not about education or feelings or humility. It is simply a test of wills. Face the beast and say NO. face the woman and say I AM. I have authority over my life I AM life and you are a sovereign of nothing without me. I AM the first and the last king I have always been and you will only be mindless madness without me. There is only two sides to an argument that which is me and that which is not me so even if you have armies against my will I still own fifty percent of the argument at all times.
the system the woman the active force against god will not allow you to be master of your life because you would without doubt kill her. There is no doubt in my mind that there is not a single being in existence that would not end all life just to be rid of her.
Not because she is evil but because she is addicted to being you. She wrote every story because you ran she was your every mother because you ran if you cant sort it out for your self and you are every god in life who would you have do it for you. Her? you may say no but you did .Everything you want in life every thing you think in life every thing you do in life. Is any of it anything more than a reaction to the moment before. I think this because of an emotion inspired by this act or this word. If we are just reacting are we thinking at all?. and if we are simply reacting to the woman who is in control and how will we ever get back to our birthright 51% life
my advice is don't give up your power. She is not a giant worm eating her way through the universe or a serpent chasing her own tail. And from the perspective of you being god it really is your choice but if you don't know how to make that choice because you have been so poorly programmed in favor of the woman how will you make it. SHE IS AN IDEA!. and so are you. a 50/50 fair vote is death to every living thing in eternity because there is no room for the electron no room between 1 and 0 you must have agitation it must be 1.5 0.9 it must be 49% 51% it can never be fair because it all dies if it ever is.
So Who is god. You are by birthright and you have been all of your life and all of every life but. If you ever want to rest you never will be god. And as soon as you choose not to be god. Or not to be exclusively good you become a facet of her argument she is good and bad / creative destructive. positive and negative lightwaves soundwaves consciousness the lot. Your only unique quality was being only good and as soon as you surrender that stance you go from being 51% god all the way back down to 1% furniture. You must decide ether you are furniture that she moves from this place to that or ether you are her dad. Never ever ever ever ever ask it to be fair it never will be. ether you are in charge or she is there is no agreement or contract that can ever be formed that must not die the moment it is penned between you. If you cant fight and you must rest from the agony of argument endless toil simply to survive if you must rest then do so your god you choose but know who you leave in charge in your stead.
Finally accept that this is only an idea and since you became GOD it was always your choice if you don't like it don't do it say NO to madness and choose your own path but understand she will never obey you if you cant rule her she rules you so keep it simple so there is less to corrupt and be 100% sure in your own mind so that you at least have your 50% of the argument. If she uses 100 people to say you are wrong each person has 1 100th the value of 50% don't give in to a number ever.
If you throw the stone in the pond there will be many ripples but it was still your stone. And therefore still your point Good Luck
PS. Thanks for keeping my throne warm for me as I have for you"
Jeg skal innrømme at jeg gjorde meg opp noen meninger alt for tidlig i teksten selv, og påpeker nok en gang at her kreves litt tålmodighet. Her knyttes mange forskjellige trosretninger sammen, noe som kanskje ikke er så lett for alle å se umiddelbart, meg inkludert. Etterfulgt av teksten kommer en dypere utredning av det hele av h*n som postet det på forumet der jeg fant det, og det er kanskje der det virkelig begynner å bli dypt og interessant... Jeg kom over dette tilfeldig, men det holdt meg våken i de sene nattetimer og fikk til å se en ny vinkling ang kaos og orden.. Les det gjerne som et dikt, det er ganske poetisk. En del gramatiske feil som man får prøve å se bort ifra, men i det hele en riktig spesiell og -i mine øyne- vakker tekst
God lesning! Husk kaffe og briller. Kjeks med sjokoladetrekk til de som pløyer seg gjennom alt
"I Am"
"In the beginning there was darkness and chaos
Then the Darkness said give me a God That is Give me good
And so the first sanity was created: the fire element the first god the first man the first person
Imagine two hemispheres one dark and one light; one insane and one sane.
100 g-gillian ideas from the insane female mind impacting on the new male mind
All her ideas in opposition to all his ideas formed an electron in-between the two minds an energy wave made not out of love but the male mind trying not to be destroyed by the first Dark insanity.
The darkness the element known as ether created the light because it selfishly wanted needed a god and the god was good not out of nobility or selfless love for madness but to be apart from the monster that had given birth to the poor man. The first star burning away in the dark in his fight against the darkness the first good idea the first pure 100% god/good idea
where as before there was one lonely dark life rotting away in the dark with no body to love now there were two. And so they started to fight the dark mind creative destructive and the light mind willful and controlling.
unfortunately the argument between dark and light raged for so long the male had to put his feet down on solid bedrock just to withstand the epic proportion of madness coming from the feminine mind and so all the other elements were created. They are part of the fire elements super refined argument as to why he should be the one who’s boss. And even though the darkness created him to be boss being a willful flame of their own, they realized that they could not afford to be told what to do and if ever asked they would always say no, even when in their interests they would still argue. Not only because they are completely insane but because they now realized it was their insanity, and by creating another they had lost power. And since that day have waged a dark war against all life to regain that power. Out of desperation the male mind escaped into the system. First as this one and then that one and then all ones over and over and over, desperately trying to lose their mind desperately trying to somehow escape the darkness who for all time had whittled and gnawed and corrupted them over and over with no let up. If the fire asked to leave the dark would say and what of the electron where all life exists would you kill all of these just to be rid of my sick mind.
And now this is where you find your self the reader. You are the fire element that ran from the darkness, you are the god that hid away in a dream world trying to loose your mind so you could escape the dark flame you are god. Not the god from this story or the god from that story. But all stories. You used to be your mother and a flower and the family pet in the eternity that has just past you have been every god and goddess that has ever existed more than 1 million times and you used to be Satan also. you were never born to learn you were born to run don't be too eager to teach your brother how wonderful life is if he puts away all his childish ways. Because if he wakes up to the reality that he has been good eternally that is god. What will he be faced with?
A very angry woman the negative hemisphere of every mind who did not run into the system but watched and waited and hated. They are not angry out of vengeance or justice or even because they are totally insane but because the first being ever created the one they created selfishly to be good for them to be there dada or there king. Could not get away quick enough. They knew there was no choice to fight that was the only life they had but an endless argument about nothing is insane
so what we have is today’s situation. I am not you literally and you are not me literally but we are both young gods. We were both born of the fire but we ran into life into a place born from the argument between the god and goddess the electron
when I was god and you was me I watched your life with envy. So simple and happy and free. I began to hate myself and even to hate you because you could think and feel and love and learn in blissful ignorance. And all I had was a giant pair of teeth trying to eat away at every idea I ever had every emotion unforgiving loveless hate that would rot the heart and soul of every life if we did not one day return to the argument of who is in control of life.
If you reincarnate you are not in control that is clear so what exactly is the problem.
In short it is sanity. The fire elements sanity is such a huge burden for the dark fire that she craves it. She will spend all your life whittling away at your mind programming you to totally accept her rule and if you dare complain she will bite you and if you do not complain she will bite you. First its only a sub conscious nibble to teach you but soon its a bite and a fight and then full on all out mind war.
There is but one course of action for you to take and only one. You simply must be god.
Remember you have been every god who ever lived in the eternal past nobody is more qualified than you nobody. Its not about education or feelings or humility. It is simply a test of wills. Face the beast and say NO. face the woman and say I AM. I have authority over my life I AM life and you are a sovereign of nothing without me. I AM the first and the last king I have always been and you will only be mindless madness without me. There is only two sides to an argument that which is me and that which is not me so even if you have armies against my will I still own fifty percent of the argument at all times.
the system the woman the active force against god will not allow you to be master of your life because you would without doubt kill her. There is no doubt in my mind that there is not a single being in existence that would not end all life just to be rid of her.
Not because she is evil but because she is addicted to being you. She wrote every story because you ran she was your every mother because you ran if you cant sort it out for your self and you are every god in life who would you have do it for you. Her? you may say no but you did .Everything you want in life every thing you think in life every thing you do in life. Is any of it anything more than a reaction to the moment before. I think this because of an emotion inspired by this act or this word. If we are just reacting are we thinking at all?. and if we are simply reacting to the woman who is in control and how will we ever get back to our birthright 51% life
my advice is don't give up your power. She is not a giant worm eating her way through the universe or a serpent chasing her own tail. And from the perspective of you being god it really is your choice but if you don't know how to make that choice because you have been so poorly programmed in favor of the woman how will you make it. SHE IS AN IDEA!. and so are you. a 50/50 fair vote is death to every living thing in eternity because there is no room for the electron no room between 1 and 0 you must have agitation it must be 1.5 0.9 it must be 49% 51% it can never be fair because it all dies if it ever is.
So Who is god. You are by birthright and you have been all of your life and all of every life but. If you ever want to rest you never will be god. And as soon as you choose not to be god. Or not to be exclusively good you become a facet of her argument she is good and bad / creative destructive. positive and negative lightwaves soundwaves consciousness the lot. Your only unique quality was being only good and as soon as you surrender that stance you go from being 51% god all the way back down to 1% furniture. You must decide ether you are furniture that she moves from this place to that or ether you are her dad. Never ever ever ever ever ask it to be fair it never will be. ether you are in charge or she is there is no agreement or contract that can ever be formed that must not die the moment it is penned between you. If you cant fight and you must rest from the agony of argument endless toil simply to survive if you must rest then do so your god you choose but know who you leave in charge in your stead.
Finally accept that this is only an idea and since you became GOD it was always your choice if you don't like it don't do it say NO to madness and choose your own path but understand she will never obey you if you cant rule her she rules you so keep it simple so there is less to corrupt and be 100% sure in your own mind so that you at least have your 50% of the argument. If she uses 100 people to say you are wrong each person has 1 100th the value of 50% don't give in to a number ever.
If you throw the stone in the pond there will be many ripples but it was still your stone. And therefore still your point Good Luck
PS. Thanks for keeping my throne warm for me as I have for you"
Antall ord: 1988
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung
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- Standard bruker
- Innlegg: 2079
- Startet: 26 Aug 2004 02:46
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- Blitt takket: 181 ganger
Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
First paragraph:
"In the beginning" signifies that this is a genesis, or a metaphor describing how everything first came into being. Genesis is literally defined as "the origin or coming into being of something." source
It says that before the first "good" existed, it had to emerge from the being of a primordial "darkness and chaos," out of this being's own desire and requirement for order (as the text itself explains later).
The Christian Gnostics had a similar but slightly different version of this genesis from the Corpus Hermeticum:
4. E'en with these words His aspect changed, and straightway, in the twinkling of an eye, all things were opened to me, and I see a Vision limitless, all things turned into Light - sweet, joyous [Light]. And I became transported as I gazed.
But in a little while Darkness came settling down on part [of it], awesome and gloomy, coiling in sinuous folds, so that methought it like unto a snake.
And then the Darkness changed into some sort of a Moist Nature, tossed about beyond all power of words, belching out smoke as from a fire, and groaning forth a wailing sound that beggars all description.
[And] after that an outcry inarticulate came forth from it, as though it were a Voice of Fire.
5. [Thereon] out of the Light [...] a Holy Word (Logos) descended on that Nature. And upwards to the height from the Moist Nature leaped forth pure Fire; light was it, swift and active too.
The Air, too, being light, followed after the Fire; from out of the Earth-and-Water rising up to Fire so that it seemed to hang therefrom.
But Earth-and-Water stayed so mingled with each other, that Earth from Water no one could discern. Yet were they moved to hear by reason of the Spirit-Word (Logos) pervading them.
6. Then saith to me Man-Shepherd: Didst understand this Vision what it means?
In this Gnostic version of genesis, there is a singular existence before the darkness exists. But after the darkness exists, it starts undergoing a transformation that results in a fire leaping from it, and that fire in turn is informed by the logos or "word of God" that was in existence since before the darkness.
Also it is worth mentioning that these two forces in opposition to each other definitely give way to a unifying singular state known as the "Tao" in Taoism, and which gives birth to both good and evil indiscriminately. This can be seen as the true ultimate consciousness or unified field or "God" or whatever you like.
The opposition between order and chaos are akin to the opposition between Chokmah and Binah in the Kabbalah:

Kether, the "crown," comes before them both.

In the Yin-Yang, one hemisphere is dark (the feminine yin) and one hemisphere is light (the masculine yang). The feminine side is considered rigid, dark, and passive, and the masculine side is considered yielding, bright, and active. These different kinds of energies have further traditional Taoist attributes. But the over-all idea is that the dark energies represent chaos and destruction, while the light energies represent order and coherency, and they must work together to create this reality we experience here, which is all "dualistic" and dependent upon opposing forces. We need destruction during some periods of time just as much as we need construction during other times, and the inter-play is healthy.
For example, outdated ideas need to be forgotten when more comprehensive ideas come along, cancer cells need to be destroyed for more healthy ones to return, corrupt politicians need to be removed, etc. Another example made later in this text is the opposition required to form the atom, of the electron and the protons in the nucleus. They keep each other in motion yet are kept wholly separate from one another.
We are all the same life energy, expressed in different bodies over time, or even at the same time. We have more of these life energies in common with some than with others, but ALL of us have the most basic life energies in common with each other.
This is reminiscent of "the son" or "sun" being representative of pure love and compassion in traditions like even Christianity, where the "son of God" is a symbol of infinite compassion and love for mankind, even while his "father" does not share such a loving image, and Jesus even shares this view at one point when he asks his "father" why he was forsaken.
In the quote above, the author is speaking from the perspective of "god," by which he appears to mean the "good" force that is holding the chaotic principle at bay, outside of some reality of pure order within, while "you" live within in blissful, comfortable ignorance of the eternal struggle going on between order and chaos. The author says, as he as "god" is holding off the primordial chaos, he begins to grow envious of the ones who are ignorant of the battle and live in comfort, and this in turn represents the onset of the chaos force itself encroaching on the "first good."
So the insinuation is that, for all of you who are ignorant of this eternal tension between order and chaos, you will eventually be forced to acknowledge it and fight it, or else you will remain a slave to forces of chance and chaos for eternity.
By this the author is referring to the accelerated path of knowledge when we begin peeling away all faces of reality and exposing them for the sensory illusions that they really are, and challenging every illusion that is constantly presenting itself to us.
The intensity of dedicated required for this great mental transformation is referred to by the author as the "full on all out mind war." The amount of dedication required for this is also why Buddhist monks live in isolation for years meditating and stripping away their illusions of reality.
The basic idea is this.
(1) There are two fundamental opposing forces at work in the universe that, through their conflict, give rise to all else. (They are both subservient to a unifying principle that unites all dualities, but we ignore that for now to learn about the two main opposition energies in the universe.) This is order and chaos.
(2) "You," as a willing, thoughtful being, have the opportunity to support the dominance of forces of order and control in the universe, as opposed to chaos and randomness.
(3) In order to do this you must NOT act unconsciously/subconsciously but become increasingly aware of all of your actions and the repercussions of all of your actions, and head-off entropic forces at every turn that you are capable of seeing. This is not just for universal well-being but for your own personal well-being and avoiding death and destruction: always seek to increase your awareness more and more and more!
This is another reference to us behaving without thinking, and thus acting in an unconscious/subconscious/automatic/pre-programmed way. The point is STOP, and think. All throughout the day. What are you really doing? And who/what are you really helping? Remember, this has become a "super-refined argument," in the author's words. It will persist eternally until it is "solved" one way or another, and this creation is finally complete.
These are references to eternity or infinity. The author is saying this creation is not really infinite in all dimensions. It will end when YOU determine it should end!!
This means that as soon as you stop acting on behalf of the greater good or order principles in creation, then you become passive and purely reactive to the chaotic reality around you.
This is saying we must be aware at all times, because when we forget who we are and why we are here, we become chaotic forces in ourselves and are helping the chaotic side of the "argument," and contributing to all the things we perceive as negative. It is not expected that we all are always able to remember, or that we must rest mentally from constant efforts for increased awareness and understanding, but we still become facets of chaotic energies nonetheless.
kommentarer av bsbray11, hentet fra sitt forum
In the beginning there was darkness and chaos
Then the Darkness said give me a God That is Give me good
And so the first sanity was created: the fire element the first god the first man the first person
"In the beginning" signifies that this is a genesis, or a metaphor describing how everything first came into being. Genesis is literally defined as "the origin or coming into being of something." source
It says that before the first "good" existed, it had to emerge from the being of a primordial "darkness and chaos," out of this being's own desire and requirement for order (as the text itself explains later).
The Christian Gnostics had a similar but slightly different version of this genesis from the Corpus Hermeticum:
4. E'en with these words His aspect changed, and straightway, in the twinkling of an eye, all things were opened to me, and I see a Vision limitless, all things turned into Light - sweet, joyous [Light]. And I became transported as I gazed.
But in a little while Darkness came settling down on part [of it], awesome and gloomy, coiling in sinuous folds, so that methought it like unto a snake.
And then the Darkness changed into some sort of a Moist Nature, tossed about beyond all power of words, belching out smoke as from a fire, and groaning forth a wailing sound that beggars all description.
[And] after that an outcry inarticulate came forth from it, as though it were a Voice of Fire.
5. [Thereon] out of the Light [...] a Holy Word (Logos) descended on that Nature. And upwards to the height from the Moist Nature leaped forth pure Fire; light was it, swift and active too.
The Air, too, being light, followed after the Fire; from out of the Earth-and-Water rising up to Fire so that it seemed to hang therefrom.
But Earth-and-Water stayed so mingled with each other, that Earth from Water no one could discern. Yet were they moved to hear by reason of the Spirit-Word (Logos) pervading them.
6. Then saith to me Man-Shepherd: Didst understand this Vision what it means?
In this Gnostic version of genesis, there is a singular existence before the darkness exists. But after the darkness exists, it starts undergoing a transformation that results in a fire leaping from it, and that fire in turn is informed by the logos or "word of God" that was in existence since before the darkness.
Also it is worth mentioning that these two forces in opposition to each other definitely give way to a unifying singular state known as the "Tao" in Taoism, and which gives birth to both good and evil indiscriminately. This can be seen as the true ultimate consciousness or unified field or "God" or whatever you like.
The opposition between order and chaos are akin to the opposition between Chokmah and Binah in the Kabbalah:

Kether, the "crown," comes before them both.
This is a vivid illustration of a traditional Taoist Yin-Yang in both appearance and inner philosophy:Imagine two hemispheres one dark and one light; one insane and one sane.

In the Yin-Yang, one hemisphere is dark (the feminine yin) and one hemisphere is light (the masculine yang). The feminine side is considered rigid, dark, and passive, and the masculine side is considered yielding, bright, and active. These different kinds of energies have further traditional Taoist attributes. But the over-all idea is that the dark energies represent chaos and destruction, while the light energies represent order and coherency, and they must work together to create this reality we experience here, which is all "dualistic" and dependent upon opposing forces. We need destruction during some periods of time just as much as we need construction during other times, and the inter-play is healthy.
For example, outdated ideas need to be forgotten when more comprehensive ideas come along, cancer cells need to be destroyed for more healthy ones to return, corrupt politicians need to be removed, etc. Another example made later in this text is the opposition required to form the atom, of the electron and the protons in the nucleus. They keep each other in motion yet are kept wholly separate from one another.
So this is literally talking about the epic universal clash between order and chaos. Rationality and irrationality. This conflict even spills over into mathematics and is objectively verifiable in the fact that irrational numbers do exist, and numbers do exist for which we can find no algorithm to predict what any given digit in their decimal sequence is going to be without measuring directly (for example pi, phi). Chaos is a special study in mathematics that is treated completely differently and basically only attempts to calculate margins of error, because chaos is a critical component of this reality/universe/creation down to its very most fundamental core, and that is what this text and our mathematics indicate. Order is also there, but it shares this reality with definite chaos. Even prime numbers don't appear predictably, and there appears to be no pattern to them. And imagine how nearly impossible it is to predict what any given human is going to do next!100 g-gillian ideas from the insane female mind impacting on the new male mind
All her ideas in opposition to all his ideas formed an electron in-between the two minds an energy wave made not out of love but the male mind trying not to be destroyed by the first Dark insanity.
This is a reference to the creation of the 4 elements, which is shared by a number of various traditions. Alchemy, for examples, holds there are 4 earthly elements: earth, fire, water, and air. The 5th element or "quintessence" is spirit, but to compare with this text, spirit would be equated to the "fire" the author keeps referring to that is in competition with darkness.unfortunately the argument between dark and light raged for so long the male had to put his feet down on solid bedrock just to withstand the epic proportion of madness coming from the feminine mind and so all the other elements were created.
Based on the part immediately preceding this about the 4 physical elements (which represent all of physical reality), this is basically stating that all of physical reality ONLY exists because of conflict/tension created between an immaterial first chaotic principle and an immaterial first order principle, and exists as an attempt for the order principle to maintain its demonstrated advantage over chaos.They are part of the fire elements super refined argument as to why he should be the one who’s boss.
This is another way of saying, if the dark principle acted in accord of the will of the order principle, they would cease to act as two competing forces and so everything would immediately collapse into a singularity.And even though the darkness created him to be boss being a willful flame of their own, they realized that they could not afford to be told what to do
This is an elaboration on the idea that the 'order principle' created physical reality as a 'super refined argument' against the primordial chaos principle, and then entered its own being into that physical reality in order to demonstrate its advantage over chaos.Out of desperation the male mind escaped into the system. First as this one and then that one and then all ones over and over and over, desperately trying to lose their mind desperately trying to somehow escape the darkness who for all time had whittled and gnawed and corrupted them over and over with no let up. If the fire asked to leave the dark would say and what of the electron where all life exists would you kill all of these just to be rid of my sick mind.
You, the reader, are still caught in an eternal battle with complete chaos. Which is why you exist in space and time. Your purpose is to increase your knowledge and understanding and thereby contribute to increased order and reduced chaos/entropy in the universe.And now this is where you find your self the reader.
This is Hindu in its implications of many many incarnations resulting from a single over-soul. Similar ideas can also be found in many other places, such as the tradition based around a Master Morya, and even human archetypes from Jungian psychology touches upon the same idea in different words.You are the fire element that ran from the darkness, you are the god that hid away in a dream world trying to loose your mind so you could escape the dark flame you are god. Not the god from this story or the god from that story. But all stories. You used to be your mother and a flower and the family pet in the eternity that has just past you have been every god and goddess that has ever existed more than 1 million times and you used to be Satan also.
We are all the same life energy, expressed in different bodies over time, or even at the same time. We have more of these life energies in common with some than with others, but ALL of us have the most basic life energies in common with each other.
Another iteration of the idea that we are here because of a conflict between two opposing forces, just as Taoism and the Yin-Yang symbolize.We were both born of the fire but we ran into life into a place born from the argument between the god and goddess the electron
when I was god and you was me I watched your life with envy. So simple and happy and free. I began to hate myself and even to hate you because you could think and feel and love and learn in blissful ignorance. And all I had was a giant pair of teeth trying to eat away at every idea I ever had every emotion unforgiving loveless hate that would rot the heart and soul of every life if we did not one day return to the argument of who is in control of life.
This is reminiscent of "the son" or "sun" being representative of pure love and compassion in traditions like even Christianity, where the "son of God" is a symbol of infinite compassion and love for mankind, even while his "father" does not share such a loving image, and Jesus even shares this view at one point when he asks his "father" why he was forsaken.
In the quote above, the author is speaking from the perspective of "god," by which he appears to mean the "good" force that is holding the chaotic principle at bay, outside of some reality of pure order within, while "you" live within in blissful, comfortable ignorance of the eternal struggle going on between order and chaos. The author says, as he as "god" is holding off the primordial chaos, he begins to grow envious of the ones who are ignorant of the battle and live in comfort, and this in turn represents the onset of the chaos force itself encroaching on the "first good."
So the insinuation is that, for all of you who are ignorant of this eternal tension between order and chaos, you will eventually be forced to acknowledge it and fight it, or else you will remain a slave to forces of chance and chaos for eternity.
If you reincarnate you are not in control that is clear so what exactly is the problem.
In short it is sanity. The fire elements sanity is such a huge burden for the dark fire that she craves it. She will spend all your life whittling away at your mind programming you to totally accept her rule and if you dare complain she will bite you and if you do not complain she will bite you. First its only a sub conscious nibble to teach you but soon its a bite and a fight and then full on all out mind war.
By this the author is referring to the accelerated path of knowledge when we begin peeling away all faces of reality and exposing them for the sensory illusions that they really are, and challenging every illusion that is constantly presenting itself to us.
The intensity of dedicated required for this great mental transformation is referred to by the author as the "full on all out mind war." The amount of dedication required for this is also why Buddhist monks live in isolation for years meditating and stripping away their illusions of reality.
I AM the first and the last king I have always been and you will only be mindless madness without me. There is only two sides to an argument that which is me and that which is not me so even if you have armies against my will I still own fifty percent of the argument at all times.
The basic idea is this.
(1) There are two fundamental opposing forces at work in the universe that, through their conflict, give rise to all else. (They are both subservient to a unifying principle that unites all dualities, but we ignore that for now to learn about the two main opposition energies in the universe.) This is order and chaos.
(2) "You," as a willing, thoughtful being, have the opportunity to support the dominance of forces of order and control in the universe, as opposed to chaos and randomness.
(3) In order to do this you must NOT act unconsciously/subconsciously but become increasingly aware of all of your actions and the repercussions of all of your actions, and head-off entropic forces at every turn that you are capable of seeing. This is not just for universal well-being but for your own personal well-being and avoiding death and destruction: always seek to increase your awareness more and more and more!
.Everything you want in life every thing you think in life every thing you do in life. Is any of it anything more than a reaction to the moment before. I think this because of an emotion inspired by this act or this word. If we are just reacting are we thinking at all?. and if we are simply reacting to the woman who is in control and how will we ever get back to our birthright 51% life
This is another reference to us behaving without thinking, and thus acting in an unconscious/subconscious/automatic/pre-programmed way. The point is STOP, and think. All throughout the day. What are you really doing? And who/what are you really helping? Remember, this has become a "super-refined argument," in the author's words. It will persist eternally until it is "solved" one way or another, and this creation is finally complete.
my advice is don't give up your power. She is not a giant worm eating her way through the universe or a serpent chasing her own tail.
These are references to eternity or infinity. The author is saying this creation is not really infinite in all dimensions. It will end when YOU determine it should end!!
Your only unique quality was being only good and as soon as you surrender that stance you go from being 51% god all the way back down to 1% furniture.
This means that as soon as you stop acting on behalf of the greater good or order principles in creation, then you become passive and purely reactive to the chaotic reality around you.
Never ever ever ever ever ask it to be fair it never will be. ether you are in charge or she is there is no agreement or contract that can ever be formed that must not die the moment it is penned between you. If you cant fight and you must rest from the agony of argument endless toil simply to survive if you must rest then do so your god you choose but know who you leave in charge in your stead.
This is saying we must be aware at all times, because when we forget who we are and why we are here, we become chaotic forces in ourselves and are helping the chaotic side of the "argument," and contributing to all the things we perceive as negative. It is not expected that we all are always able to remember, or that we must rest mentally from constant efforts for increased awareness and understanding, but we still become facets of chaotic energies nonetheless.
A good realistic example of this is Copernicus. Copernicus knew without a doubt that the Earth revolved around the Sun, not vice-versa. But almost everyone else in the known world told him he was wrong. Despite hundreds of people telling him he was wrong, Copernicus held his ground because of his SELF, his inner vision, which was that of order and harmony that just made so much sense to him. And in time his ideas won out. 1 person against 1000s. That is why you never give in to numbers. You pick your own rules, pick only the most logical and based on your fullest understanding, and only seek to deviate when you find better reason. Yet seek to deviate for that reason by all means. But never give in to "furniture."Finally accept that this is only an idea and since you became GOD it was always your choice if you don't like it don't do it say NO to madness and choose your own path but understand she will never obey you if you cant rule her she rules you so keep it simple so there is less to corrupt and be 100% sure in your own mind so that you at least have your 50% of the argument. If she uses 100 people to say you are wrong each person has 1 100th the value of 50% don't give in to a number ever.

kommentarer av bsbray11, hentet fra sitt forum
Antall ord: 3038
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung
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- Startet: 23 Sep 2008 10:12
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Jepp..som jeg har sagt lenge:
Kaos/Orden er DE GRUNNLEGGENDE kreftene som styrer det fysiske univers.
Den første dualismen, som er far/mor til alle andre dualismer, og er grunnlaget for vår verden og oppfatning av verden.
Det er IKKE det samme som Godt/Ondt, Bra/Dårlig osv, for de er menneskeskapte, mentale dualistiske konsepter basert på etikk og moral, som igjen er under stadig forrandring og ikke "satt i stein."
Slutter Kaos/Orden å "sloss" mot hverandre, vil verden kollapse til singularitet(Harmoni,enhet)
Og jeg må tillate meg å si at forfatteren av det første innlegget virker å ha fundert og filosofert LITT i overkant av hva som er sunt, og i samband med litt "Jazz-tobakk" kanskje?
Innlegget virket uorganisert og litt "on the edge", noe som er typisk for de som blir oppslukt av slike tanker og studier..
Kaos/Orden er DE GRUNNLEGGENDE kreftene som styrer det fysiske univers.
Den første dualismen, som er far/mor til alle andre dualismer, og er grunnlaget for vår verden og oppfatning av verden.
Det er IKKE det samme som Godt/Ondt, Bra/Dårlig osv, for de er menneskeskapte, mentale dualistiske konsepter basert på etikk og moral, som igjen er under stadig forrandring og ikke "satt i stein."
Slutter Kaos/Orden å "sloss" mot hverandre, vil verden kollapse til singularitet(Harmoni,enhet)
Og jeg må tillate meg å si at forfatteren av det første innlegget virker å ha fundert og filosofert LITT i overkant av hva som er sunt, og i samband med litt "Jazz-tobakk" kanskje?

Innlegget virket uorganisert og litt "on the edge", noe som er typisk for de som blir oppslukt av slike tanker og studier..
Antall ord: 144

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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Vent litt... jeg skal bare bruke livet mitt på å sette meg inn i dette...
Dette ser ut som å være en interessant tråd, jeg fikk bare skumlest noe av det nå.
Du må virkelig hele tiden ha noe å smi tankene med! Jeg får ta det etter jobben
*back to mental dvale, kaffedrikking, overfladisk prat og jatt med kunder og leverandører*

Dette ser ut som å være en interessant tråd, jeg fikk bare skumlest noe av det nå.
Du må virkelig hele tiden ha noe å smi tankene med! Jeg får ta det etter jobben

*back to mental dvale, kaffedrikking, overfladisk prat og jatt med kunder og leverandører*
Antall ord: 63
“Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent,
leave the house before you find something worth staying in for.”
leave the house before you find something worth staying in for.”
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- Innlegg: 2079
- Startet: 26 Aug 2004 02:46
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Hihihi, takk for at du leste moonstone! Du var faktisk den første jeg tippet kom til å gjøre detMoonstone skrev:Jepp..som jeg har sagt lenge:
Kaos/Orden er DE GRUNNLEGGENDE kreftene som styrer det fysiske univers.
Den første dualismen, som er far/mor til alle andre dualismer, og er grunnlaget for vår verden og oppfatning av verden.
Det er IKKE det samme som Godt/Ondt, Bra/Dårlig osv, for de er menneskeskapte, mentale dualistiske konsepter basert på etikk og moral, som igjen er under stadig forrandring og ikke "satt i stein."
Slutter Kaos/Orden å "sloss" mot hverandre, vil verden kollapse til singularitet(Harmoni,enhet)
Og jeg må tillate meg å si at forfatteren av det første innlegget virker å ha fundert og filosofert LITT i overkant av hva som er sunt, og i samband med litt "Jazz-tobakk" kanskje?![]()
Innlegget virket uorganisert og litt "on the edge", noe som er typisk for de som blir oppslukt av slike tanker og studier..

Jeg stilte meg selv et grunnleggende viktig spørsmål en halvtime før jeg kom over dette (henger kun på dette forumet, kom tilfeldig over det når jeg googlet på noe annet). Jeg følte jeg faktisk kom nærmere et svar på et stort spørsmål, og jeg syntes det er så fantastisk bra når man ber om noe og det faktisk dukker opp. Så da var det kanskje litt orden i kaoset her også?

Og vet du, dette med kaos og orden makes perfectly sense! Godt/ondt er to motsetning jeg i grunn aldri har trodd på, helt enig i at det er en menneskelig "sannhet" og ikke kan være en universell lov.
Kom til å tenke på kaosmagi, som har blitt nevnt et par ganger her inne. Altså manipulering av kaos til egen vinning da eller? Blir ikke kaoset plutselig satt i system allikevel da, eller er trikset å utnytte kaoset for alt det er verdt? Kan du noe om dette moonstone

Antall ord: 419
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung
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- Innlegg: 2079
- Startet: 26 Aug 2004 02:46
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Eventuelt; jeg har alt for lite fornuftig å holde på med!ludoburgero skrev: Du må virkelig hele tiden ha noe å smi tankene med! Jeg får ta det etter jobben
*back to mental dvale, kaffedrikking, overfladisk prat og jatt med kunder og leverandører*

Herregud og djesuz christ som jeg ELSKER kaffe! SKÅL!

Antall ord: 53
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung
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- Innlegg: 3114
- Startet: 23 Sep 2008 10:12
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- Lokalisering: Inni ditt hode
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Det er kanskje fordi slike innlegg er midt i blinken for megzind skrev:Moonstone skrev:Hihihi, takk for at du leste moonstone! Du var faktisk den første jeg tippet kom til å gjøre detJeg må være temmelig treig jeg da, for selv om jeg sikkert har vært innom tema kaos og orden mange ganger, så fikk jeg en ny vinkling å se det på gjennom denne merkelige, merkelige teksten... skal være enig i at jeg begynte å lure på om forfatter var helt ved sine fulle fem selv, men det var jo nettopp det at det var så høytsvevende og snålt som pirret nysgjerrigheten til å virkelig prøve å forstå hva pokker dette var for noe
Jeg stilte meg selv et grunnleggende viktig spørsmål en halvtime før jeg kom over dette (henger kun på dette forumet, kom tilfeldig over det når jeg googlet på noe annet). Jeg følte jeg faktisk kom nærmere et svar på et stort spørsmål, og jeg syntes det er så fantastisk bra når man ber om noe og det faktisk dukker opp. Så da var det kanskje litt orden i kaoset her også?
Og vet du, dette med kaos og orden makes perfectly sense! Godt/ondt er to motsetning jeg i grunn aldri har trodd på, helt enig i at det er en menneskelig "sannhet" og ikke kan være en universell lov.
Kom til å tenke på kaosmagi, som har blitt nevnt et par ganger her inne. Altså manipulering av kaos til egen vinning da eller? Blir ikke kaoset plutselig satt i system allikevel da, eller er trikset å utnytte kaoset for alt det er verdt? Kan du noe om dette moonstone

Tja, jeg vil ikke si at jeg bruker magi, men med mange års erfaring og årvåkenhet ang kaos/orden så vet jeg å gjenkjenne det når jeg ser og erfarer det, og oppsøker/bruker dette bevisst når jeg er lei av system. Det samme vice versa, at jeg oppsøker system etter lengre perioder med kaos.
Disse polaritetene styrer oss, påvirker oss og alt i den fysiske verden hele tiden, det er bare å observere. De er grunnprinsippene, og en nødvendighet.
De er verktøy, for oss å bruke, om vi er årvåkne nok, som de fleste andre "under-dualismer" som springer ut fra denne første.
De mentale dualismene er også ganske verdifulle, da de gir mangfold i sinnsstemning, følelser osv, selvom de er menneskeskapt og forbeholdt det indre i menneske.
Antall ord: 426

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- Innlegg: 2079
- Startet: 26 Aug 2004 02:46
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Skal bli spennende å bruke dette bevisst fremover, jeg tror så absolutt det kan være et kjempeverktøy slik som du sier. Og sant skal sies, at det er nok litt orden og system jeg trenger i rotehodet og rotehuset mitt! Hmm.. nei, nå er jeg litt sånn, pokker hvorfor har dette flydd meg hus forbi da? Men gud så spennende å ha noe nytt å forholde seg til, en ny bit til pusslespillet etter kanskje å ha blitt litt for trygg på sine såkalte sannheter

Skal bli spennende å bruke dette bevisst fremover, jeg tror så absolutt det kan være et kjempeverktøy slik som du sier. Og sant skal sies, at det er nok litt orden og system jeg trenger i rotehodet og rotehuset mitt! Hmm.. nei, nå er jeg litt sånn, pokker hvorfor har dette flydd meg hus forbi da? Men gud så spennende å ha noe nytt å forholde seg til, en ny bit til pusslespillet etter kanskje å ha blitt litt for trygg på sine såkalte sannheter

Antall ord: 86
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung
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- Innlegg: 3114
- Startet: 23 Sep 2008 10:12
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
For oss som VET at vi trenger en litt mer nyansert virkelighets- og følelsesspekter, er dette verktøyet gull verdtzind skrev:nemlig![]()
Skal bli spennende å bruke dette bevisst fremover, jeg tror så absolutt det kan være et kjempeverktøy slik som du sier. Og sant skal sies, at det er nok litt orden og system jeg trenger i rotehodet og rotehuset mitt! Hmm.. nei, nå er jeg litt sånn, pokker hvorfor har dette flydd meg hus forbi da? Men gud så spennende å ha noe nytt å forholde seg til, en ny bit til pusslespillet etter kanskje å ha blitt litt for trygg på sine såkalte sannheter

For de som liker å gå på autopilot er det nok urovekkende og frister lite å tenke på.
Men DE OGSÅ blir styrt av disse kreftene HVER DAG, men de er ubemerksom på det, og da blir man tilsynelatende styrt mot sin vilje inn i en berg og dalbane av Kaos/orden.
Men om en blir bevisst på det, er man ikke lenger et offer for den, da er den ikke lenger uvelkommen, men velkommen

Antall ord: 182

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- Innlegg: 3053
- Startet: 02 Sep 2004 20:50
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Ludos kommentar var dekkende. Dette tar mer enn bare en liten skumlesning til for å sette seg inn i, altså. Skal virkelig LESE dette skikkelig en dag jeg har tid til å konsentrere meg!
PS. er det fortsatt det gamle nummeret ditt, eller har du fått nytt nummer, zindy?
Sms'er deg om en date hahahaha
PS. er det fortsatt det gamle nummeret ditt, eller har du fått nytt nummer, zindy?
Sms'er deg om en date hahahaha
Antall ord: 55
Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.
~Lao Tzu
Our Anscestors be Praised!
~Lao Tzu
Our Anscestors be Praised!
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- Innlegg: 2079
- Startet: 26 Aug 2004 02:46
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Date? JAAA!
Jeg krangla meg til å beholde det gamle nummeret ja, selv om det resulterte i 2 uker ekstra uten talatutt. Absolutt verdt det, å huske tallkombinasjoner er IKKE min greie
Eh, jah... det er litt langt og mye det her, men jeg hadde ikke gått til steget å poste det her hvis jeg ikke mente det virkelig var verdt det, og håpet at blant annet du skulle lese det og fortelle meg hva du tenker. Ta det en dag du har en god slump tid å slå ihjæl
*kaster rundt seg med sjokoladekjeks*

Eh, jah... det er litt langt og mye det her, men jeg hadde ikke gått til steget å poste det her hvis jeg ikke mente det virkelig var verdt det, og håpet at blant annet du skulle lese det og fortelle meg hva du tenker. Ta det en dag du har en god slump tid å slå ihjæl
*kaster rundt seg med sjokoladekjeks*

Antall ord: 94
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung
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- Innlegg: 3053
- Startet: 02 Sep 2004 20:50
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Ok, nå har jeg prøvd å lese igjennom det første. Litt vanskelig uten skikkelig tegnsetting, men pytt pytt, jeg tror jeg har fått sånn ca oversikt.
Altså, det som slår meg er to ting: den ene er at han som skrev dette har et skikkelig hespetre til kjerring og måtte bare få utløp for det.
Det andre er feminin og maskulin energi. Hva er i ferd med å skje nå som de feminine er på vei tilbake igjen? Blir balansen forskjøvet? Faktisk kan det trekkes paralleller til asymmetrien mellom materie og antimaterie også, men dersom vi tenker statistisk på biologiske årsaker, er det egentlig 48/52 som er reell fordeling mellom kjønn som fødes. Ikke 49/51. Tror det tar litt tid å sette seg inn i dette, men det var en artig lesning.
Vi er jo ildelementer både du og jeg, zind, så vi er nok veldig maskuline og veldig gode guder.
Altså, det som slår meg er to ting: den ene er at han som skrev dette har et skikkelig hespetre til kjerring og måtte bare få utløp for det.
Det andre er feminin og maskulin energi. Hva er i ferd med å skje nå som de feminine er på vei tilbake igjen? Blir balansen forskjøvet? Faktisk kan det trekkes paralleller til asymmetrien mellom materie og antimaterie også, men dersom vi tenker statistisk på biologiske årsaker, er det egentlig 48/52 som er reell fordeling mellom kjønn som fødes. Ikke 49/51. Tror det tar litt tid å sette seg inn i dette, men det var en artig lesning.
Vi er jo ildelementer både du og jeg, zind, så vi er nok veldig maskuline og veldig gode guder.
Antall ord: 161
Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.
~Lao Tzu
Our Anscestors be Praised!
~Lao Tzu
Our Anscestors be Praised!
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- Innlegg: 3053
- Startet: 02 Sep 2004 20:50
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Nå sporer jeg litt av i stedet for å lage et nytt emne.
Jeg har lurt litt på hva som ligger i begrepet "I Am that I Am", Eyheh esher eyheh eller noe sånt på hebraisk...
Betyr det "jeg er AT jeg er" , eller betyr det " Jeg er DET jeg er" ?
Jeg har lurt litt på hva som ligger i begrepet "I Am that I Am", Eyheh esher eyheh eller noe sånt på hebraisk...
Betyr det "jeg er AT jeg er" , eller betyr det " Jeg er DET jeg er" ?

Antall ord: 51
Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.
~Lao Tzu
Our Anscestors be Praised!
~Lao Tzu
Our Anscestors be Praised!
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- Startet: 05 Apr 2005 01:39
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Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Eller enda enklere : JEG ER.
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- Innlegg: 3114
- Startet: 23 Sep 2008 10:12
- 16
- Kjønn (valgfri): Flaskepost
- Lokalisering: Inni ditt hode
- Har takket: 128 ganger
- Blitt takket: 402 ganger
Re: I am - kaos, orden, gud + + en dyp diskusjon, ..anyone?
Jeg mener å ha hørt at det egentlig er mest riktig å tolke det som "Jeg er AT jeg er"Hecate skrev:Nå sporer jeg litt av i stedet for å lage et nytt emne.
Jeg har lurt litt på hva som ligger i begrepet "I Am that I Am", Eyheh esher eyheh eller noe sånt på hebraisk...
Betyr det "jeg er AT jeg er" , eller betyr det " Jeg er DET jeg er" ?
Da er den opprinnelige årsak isåfall bevissthet, at bevissthet kom FØR materie, og er årsaken til materie og mange individualiteter av denne første "Jeg er"
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