Fakta, teori & skepsiseksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

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Startet: 05 Sep 2004 20:51
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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Dj_Devil »

BA. skrev:
Dj_Devil skrev:
BA. skrev:DJ. Devil: Jeg tror kanskje mange av dine påstander kommenteres her:


Ellers kommenterte jeg omigjen de skråskjærte bjelkene. Det kan ha vært gjort etter at tårnet raste av hensyn til letemannskapenes sikkerhet.

Eg kan gå med på at dem kuttet dem om det var en gass brenner dem brukte.. En punkt eksplosjon og gass brenning kan gi lik effekt. Finner ikke bilder som var tatt før dem begynte å rydde som var av mer detaljer. Så kan ikke med 100% sikkerhet si at det bilde er før eller etter opprydding.. Men hva du velger å tro kan være noe annet enn hva eg velger å tro. Med mindre du sitter med sikre bevis på at akkuratt di bildene er fra under opprydding å ikke rett etterpå.
Nei, det kan jeg ikke bevise, noe jeg heller ikke ser noe behov for. Den offisielle rapporten synes jeg er god, og har ikke sett noe som svekker den noe særlig. Når da disse bildene heller ikke svekker den, iom at de kan være tatt etter skjærebrenning, så står forklaringen like sterkt.
Kan jepp.. Men ikke nødvendigvis da verken du eller eg kan med 100% sikkerhet at dem er tatt før eller etter rydding..
BA. skrev: Jeg forstår ikke helt tankegangen din. Tyngdeloven sier at den skal falle rett ned, hvorfor mener du ting skal falle skrått ned?
Hvis du mener at det skulle ha falt i et hjørne først og deretter ligget litt skjevt mens det falt rett ned, så er det også hva det gjorde.
Ganske enkelt... Har du en kule å slipper den ned. Å uten hinder så vil kulen falle 100% rett ned.
Tårn delen hadde hinder... Så om vi setter ett tårn under kulen så vil kulen treffe tårnet først så bytte retning... Da faller den ned men ikke 100% lodrett ned. Tårn delen hadde ett stort å solid tårn den sku gjennom.. Med mindre den plutslig hadde null støtte under seg så den fekk litt start fart. så skal den i følge tyngdeloven da ikke falle lodrett rett ned. Den vil støte på det massive tårnet å forsiktig knekke av.
Å det forklarer ikke på det tårnet hvor den over delen, om den hadde hatt en hel bygning å falle på. Hvorfor den ikke falt uttenfor. For den delen hadde naturligvis knekt å dratt mye med seg. Men ikke hele bygningen. Å igjen bare om core delen ikke var inntakt.
Igjen, tyngdeloven tilsier at den skal falle rett ned og ikke utenfor.
Sant samtidig som det er usant...

Tyngde loven tilsier at det skal falle rett ned.
Men tyngdeloven tar ikke hensyn til ting som kommer i veien..
Tårnet var konstruert til å tåle over det dobbelte av den vekten di tårn delene besto av. Så den delen sku ha vippet, krasjet inn på bygningen og enten forblitt oppe på tårnet eller knekt av å krasjet vedsidenav.
Så du velger å ikke tro på bevis\fakta eg har funnet til deg?
Det du har funnet fram er påstander om smeltet stål.
Jeg vet ikke hvem sitt sitat du forholder deg til, men det jeg kjenner til er det kun noen få kilder.
- Mark Lorieux of Controlled Demolition, Inc
- Peter Tully, President of Tully Construction
- and the American Free Press newspaper

The American Free Press refererte kun til de andre to, og dermed sitter vi med to vitner til disse dammene med smeltet stål. Mark Lorieux(Loizeaux) fortalte senere at han kun snakket ut fra informasjon han hadde fra Peter Tully., altså er vi nede i en eneste kilde.

Det ar altså kun Peter Tully som rapporterte om dette, men som "American Free Press"skriver det "Peter Tully, president of Tully Construction of Flushing, New York, told AFP that he saw pools of "literally molten steel" at the World Trade Center. Tully was contracted on September 11 to remove the debris from the site."

Det ser ikke ut som det er gjort noen analyser av denne smelten, og om den er identifisert som stål.

Bildet med hotspottene viser temperaturer på opp til 747ºC, men ikke på langt nær de 1535ºC som skal til for å smelte stål.
Så din påstand er da at fordi det er så få mennesker som har tørt å prate offentlig om dette så er det usant? Det bare forsterker teorien om at det er noe mer som ligger bak enn bare en flybrann og kolaps.

Explosives Found in

World Trade Center Dust

Scientists Discover Active Nano-thermitic Explosives in Dust from 911 WTC Catastrophe

Physics Journal Publishes Rigorously Peer-Reviewed Scientific Paper


Pictured above, is hard forensic evidence of explosive red Thermitic chips--the "Loaded Gun" itself, found in multiple WTC dust samples, with a well documented "chain-of-custody" record. Sample (b) was collected approximately ten minutes after the destruction of the second tower (North Tower).

The photograph of the red Super-thermite chips (Nano-thermite) above is from a peer reviewed paper, which was published by an impressive scientific group of experts, in The Open Chemical Physics Journal. The paper's first author is Dr. Niels Harrit, Professor of Chemistry at Copenhagen University in Denmark and an expert in Nano-chemistry

Dr. Niels Harrit, expert in Nano-chemistry, co-author of a published paper by a noted scientific group, who discovered hard physical evidence of Nano-thermitic explosives in multiple samples of dust from the World Trade Center catastrophe. Frequently asked why he researches the September 11th attack he says, "First, I am opposed to crime, and second, when my 6 grandchildren ask me, Grandfather, which side were you on? I will be able to answer them, I was on your side."

Conclusion of paper: "Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material."

The science-based analysis showing that the World Trade Center Towers were brought down by controlled demolitions; includes, hard "Smoking Gun" forensic evidence by Dr. Steven Jones as well as solid evidence by other renowned scientists and experts. Dr. Jones is a highly regarded Scientist and Brigham Young University Professor Emeritus of Physics.

Corroborating evidence of Dr. Jones’s results, includes testing by government agencies and private independent laboratories. The evidence clearly indicates the presence of Thermitic based explosives, which was found in multiple samples of WTC dust. All three World Trade Center Towers were pulverized by controlled demolitions using Thermite based incendiaries to cut steel support columns and Superthermite explosives (a.k.a. Nano-thermite or energetic nanocomposites) as "cutter charges".

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." --Spoken by Congressman Larry P. Mcdonald, 1976 (Killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets)

Dr. Jeffrey Farrer, Brigham Young University Professor, Materials Scientist and Director of the Transmition Electron Microscopy Laboratory at BYU, co-author of a published paper by a noted scientific group, who discovered hard physical evidence of Nano-thermitic explosives in multiple samples of dust from the World Trade Center catastrophe.

Nano-thermite or Superthermite is Thermite in an ultrafine form, composed of aluminum and iron oxide with at lest one component being 100 nm or less, often along with silicon and carbon. Nano-thermite is a high-explosive. Standard Thermite is not an explosive—it is an incendiary. Thermate (Thermite plus sulfur) based incendiaries can easily melt through massive steel support columns and is used to weaken buildings in the preliminary stages of controlled demolitions. Thermitic based reactions produce molten iron as well as molten iron microspheres as byproducts. A distinctive chemical signature in its residue also remains as evidence of Thermitic based reactions, samples of which, originating from all three WTC Towers, as well as throughout ground zero, tested positive for Thermitic based reactions. Additionally, many credible witnesses are on record as seeing large pools of molten metal. Large multi-ton iron rich "meteorites" have been found and have been tested positive as being produced by Thermitic reactions.

Dr. Steven E. Jones, Physicist, author of numerous papers published in prestigious scientific journals, including Nature, Scientific American, and the Journal of Physical Chemistry, co-author of a published paper by a noted scientific group, who discovered hard physical evidence of Nano-thermitic explosives in multiple samples of dust from the World Trade Center catastrophe.

http://journalof911studies.com/articles ... hTemp2.pdf
falt WTC 7 pågrunn av at den normalt kolapsa? eller ble den sprengt ned?
Sannsynligvis pga normal kollaps, men kanskje vi kan gjøre oss ferdig med de argumentene vi holder på med her?
http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/pullit.html skrev:Owner's Admission?
Silverstein's Apparent Admission that Building 7 was Demolished

Larry Silverstein, the controller of Building 7, the third skyscraper to totally collapse on 9/11/01, gave an interview, portions of which were reproduced in a PBS documentary aired on September 10, 2002, entitled America Rebuilds. The story that Silverstein assented to the demolition of WTC 7, based on an excerpt from the interview, has been widely circulated on websites, books, and videos. This page first recounts that story, in much the same form as it appeared on earlier versions of this page, and then proceeds to examine the issue in greater depth.
'Pull it' as Demolition Admission

Silverstein apparently admitted that the building was deliberately demolished by the New York City Fire Department late in the afternoon.

Silverstein's alleded admission consists of his following on-camera statements shown in America Rebuilds.
I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse. 1

What does Silverstein mean by "the decision to pull" Building 7? Many observers have suggested that a later passage in the same documentary indicates that, in this context, "pull" means to destroy a building through controlled demolition. In preparation for the controlled demolition of irreparably damaged Building 6, a Ground Zero worker says
... we're getting ready to pull the Building Six.

An alternative explanation for Silverstein's remark is that he was referring to a decision to "pull" firefighting operations in Building 7. That explanation is advanced in a September 9, 2005 statement issued by Stilverstein Properties spokesperson Mr. Dara McQuillan:
Seven World Trade Center collapsed at 5:20 p.m. on September 11, 2001, after burning for seven hours. There were no casualties, thanks to the heroism of the Fire Department and the work of Silverstein Properties employees who evacuated tenants from the building.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted a thorough investigation of the collapse of all the World Trade Center buildings. The FEMA report concluded that the collapse of Seven World Trade Center was a direct result of fires triggered by debris from the collapse of WTC Tower 1.

In the afternoon of September 11, Mr. Silverstein spoke to the Fire Department Commander on site at Seven World Trade Center. The Commander told Mr. Silverstein that there were several firefighters in the building working to contain the fires. Mr. Silverstein expressed his view that the most important thing was to protect the safety of those firefighters, including, if necessary, to have them withdraw from the building.

Later in the day, the Fire Commander ordered his firefighters out of the building and at 5:20 p.m. the building collapsed. No lives were lost at Seven World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. 2

However, there are several problems with this explanation.

* According to Chapter 5 of FEMA's Building Performance Study , firefighters were never in the building: "Preliminary indications were that, due to lack of water, no manual firefighting actions were taken by FDNY."
* Silverstein's statement implies a close temporal proximity between "that decision to pull" and "watch[ing] the building collapse," giving no time for the fires to become more severe and do what fires have never before done: cause the total collapse of a steel-frame high-rise.

Of course there are even greater problems with the implication that Silverstein and the FDNY decided to demolish the building only after the attack on the Twin Towers.

* Rigging a building for controlled demolition normally takes weeks of preparation -- far longer than the at most a few hours between the determination that "they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire," and the 5:20 PM collapse of the building.
* The building had several areas of fire -- hardly conditions under which a demolitions team could be expected to lay high explosives.

However, if we imagine that the "decision to pull" had been made before 9/11/01, Silverstein's comment makes more sense as an admission that there had been a deliberate decision to demolish the building.

A Closer Look

Although many people are convinced that Silverstein's statement is an admission that he and the fire department commander conspired to demolish the building, the statement fails to support a case for such a crime.

* The common assertion that "pull" is industry slang for demolition lacks support. A Google search for the term "pull" in relation to controlled demolition fails to return uses of "pull" meaning demolition outside of the widely circulated story of Silverstein's admission on 9/11 conspiracy sites. See the analysis on wtc7.net.
* Even if "pull" were industry slang for demolition, there would be no reason to expect Silverstein to know this.
* The above quote by a Ground Zero worker about pulling Building 6 is not evidence that "pull" means controlled demolition, since he was apparently referring to using cables to literally pull down portions of the building.

A more sophisticated interpretation of Silverstein's comment is that it is bait, eliciting the widespread circulation of an interpretation that is easily denied if not refuted. While failing to provide substantial evidence for the controlled demolition of WTC 7, the story has functioned to eclipse the overwhelming case for demolition based on the physical characteristics of the collapse documented in photographs and videos of the event and the rubble pile that resulted. Those visual documents establish that the building's collapse was an implosion exhibiting all of the features of a standard controlled demolition, including:

* Very rapid speed of fall
* Symmetric collapse around its vertical axis
* Production of large quantities of dust
* Collapse into a small, consolidated rubble pile, with exterior walls lying on top
BA. skrev: Kan du holde deg til det beste argumentet, så vi kan gjøre oss ferdig med en ting om gangen her?

Jeg klarer det visst ikke selv, men selv om jeg besvarer flere argumenter enn ditt beste, så trenger vi ikke å skyte inn enda flere før vi har gjort oss ferdige med dem vi allerede diskuterer.
Håper da du leste hva eg skrev.. Det hadde bare blitt spekulasjoner fra min side. Derfor kommer eg heller ikke til å diskutere det.. For ingen vits å diskutere bare rene spekulasjoner... Sant vell? :)
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Startet: 05 Sep 2004 20:51
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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Dj_Devil »

ludoburgero skrev:Det er riktig det du sier om CIA, Dj_Devil.
CIA har tidligere syslet med ting som dette:

-tatt inn narkotika i USA
-eksperimenter med LSD på uvitende
-i samarbeid med regjeringen iscenesatt/fabrikkert et "angrep fra Cuba" på USA

I en PNAC-rapport (søk opp PNAC på Wikipedia) ønskes det "et nytt Pearl Harbor" for å få amerikanerne til å støtte opprustning av Forsvaret. Kanskje dette også ble gjort ved hjelp av CIA den 11. september. I mine øyner ser det veldig sannsynlig ut at nettopp dette ble gjort.
Tenk bare tidligere på hvilke kjeltringer i regjeringen som har sittet med tette forbindelser med CIA. Og jeg finner det også bemerkelsesverdig at sikkerhets-firmaet som plutselig overtok ansvaret for sikkerheten for World Trade Center er Marvin Bush (George W.'s fetter) bare 2 måneder før angrepene skjedde.

CIA har jo innrømmet å transportert fanger på ulovlig vis her via Sola Flyplass også.
Dette har kommet frem i mediene de siste årene.
Visste du dette?

(beklager disse delene med avsporing, men jeg ser det som sagt sannsynlig at CIA kan ha hatt en finger - eller flere hender - med i spillet denne gang også)
Må nesten komentere deg også med at det var jo CIA som sto bak første angrepet på tårnene.
Å dette var jo blitt bevist og inrømmet. Såvidt eg har fått med meg. Så hvem sier at dem ikke ville prøve igjen? ;)
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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Dj_Devil »


Da fant eg noen som hadde skrevet på bilde at bilde var tatt kort tid etter "kolapset".
Skal se om eg finner mer info om dette bilde egentlig.
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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Dj_Devil »


Når bygningene rundt tvilling tårnene er mer eller mindre hele så stiller eg meg virkelig tvilende til at det er pågrunn av tvilling tårnene at hus nr 7 bare kolapset.. Selv di husene i nærmeste område som er blitt mer eller mindre knust på siden eller på toppen kolapset ikke sammen.
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Titten Tei
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Startet: 04 Jan 2009 19:37

Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Titten Tei »

så litt i noen videoer ang WTC, der hevdet de at det ikke var passasjerfly som styrtet i tårnene men muligens et militærfly.. noen som vet eller har funnet noe om de passajerene som evt var i de to passasjerflyene? for når jeg tenker meg om, så hørte jeg bare om det tredje flyet som styrtet i bakken.. der kontaktet jo passasjerene sine nærmeste og fortalte at terrorister hadde tatt over flyet.. men jeg har ikke hørt noe som helst om passasjerene i flyene som traff WTC?
Noen som har noe innspill?
Antall ord: 98
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Startet: 05 Sep 2004 20:51
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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Dj_Devil »

Titten Tei skrev:så litt i noen videoer ang WTC, der hevdet de at det ikke var passasjerfly som styrtet i tårnene men muligens et militærfly.. noen som vet eller har funnet noe om de passajerene som evt var i de to passasjerflyene? for når jeg tenker meg om, så hørte jeg bare om det tredje flyet som styrtet i bakken.. der kontaktet jo passasjerene sine nærmeste og fortalte at terrorister hadde tatt over flyet.. men jeg har ikke hørt noe som helst om passasjerene i flyene som traff WTC?
Noen som har noe innspill?

Anngående type fly som krasjet så er det godt dokumentert at det var passasjer fly som krasjet i..
Når det gjelder det flyet som ikke nådde sitt mål. Så var jo teorien der at passasjererene tok igjen men kunne ikke styre flyet. Di andre flyene var nokk under kontroll av terroristene. Så hvorfor skulle da dem la passasjererne ringe sine nermeste? Å risikere å ødlegge hele opperasjonen.
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Startet: 05 Sep 2004 20:51
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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Dj_Devil »

Hentet fra http://svnlsenetter.wordpress.com/2007/ ... t/#more-95

Dette er en oversettelse av Frank Legges “The Twin Towers and Common Sense.”

Før taket på det nordre WTC-tårnet forsvant inn i støvskyen falt det med en hastighet som ville bragt det i bakken på 10,5 sekunder. US-administrasjonen forventer at vi skal tro at denne fallraten er sannsynlig for en bygning skadet av fly og brann. I fritt fall i vakuum ville taket til høyre i illustrasjonen nådd bakken på 9,2 sekunder. (Red. anm.: Falltidsestimatene gjort av forskjellige 9/11-researchere varierer noe, litt ettersom hva de vurderer som kollaps-start og -stopp.)


Tegning laget av Joe Plummer, Stop the Lie.

Data publisert av NIST viser at stålet ikke var så svekket av varme at det kan forklare kollapsen. Ingeniører har også funnet ut at selv om kollapsen begynte i skadesonen, ville den raskt stoppet opp igjen.

Dette kan forøvrig være vanskelig å validere, om man ikke kan gjøre komplekse matematiske utregninger. Men hva med tidsforskjellen, bare 1,3 sekunder? Vil ikke normal sunn fornuft fortelle deg at hastigheten på blokken til venstre vil bremse opp hvis den må knuse seg vei gjennom 90 etasjer med kaldt stål og betong. Vil det bare ta 1,3 sekunder lenger enn blokken til høyre, som faller fritt og i vakuum?

Indikerer ikke dette at den uskadde, uoppvarmede nedre del av bygningen plutselig mistet sin strukturelle styrke? Finnes det noen forklaring, andre enn bruk av eksplosiver, som kan redegjøre for den plutselige svekkelsen?

Ingen “stålrammebygning” har noensinne kollapset på grunn av brann, utenom på 9/11, hvor 3 bygninger deiset i bakken på ufattelig kort tid.

En av disse bygningene, WTC7, ble ikke truffet av fly, og hadde ingen voldsomme branner. Den kollapset ca. 0,5 sekunder saktere enn fritt fall. (WTC7 brukte 6,5-6,6 sekunder.) Denne bygningen huset FBI, CIA og DoD. Er det sannsynlig at al-Qaida kom seg inn i denne strengt bevoktede bygningen og fikk rigget eksplosiver, uten hjelp fra innsiden?

Det kan være greit å merke seg at fire andre WTC-bygninger hadde store skader av brann og nedfall fra tvillingtårnene, men de oppførte seg på den normale måten; de kollapset ikke.

Besøk http://journalof911studies.com/ for fagfellevurderte avhandlinger som bekrefter disse påstandene.


Red. anm.: Det ene hjørnet av WTC7 hadde noe skade, men om det hadde innvirkning på kollapsen, er det logisk å anta at bygningen ville falt i retning av skaden, og ikke rett ned i sitt eget “fotspor”. For mer info om WTC7 besøk Jim Hoffmans www.wtc7.net

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Titten Tei
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Startet: 04 Jan 2009 19:37

Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Titten Tei »

Dj_Devil skrev:
Titten Tei skrev:så litt i noen videoer ang WTC, der hevdet de at det ikke var passasjerfly som styrtet i tårnene men muligens et militærfly.. noen som vet eller har funnet noe om de passajerene som evt var i de to passasjerflyene? for når jeg tenker meg om, så hørte jeg bare om det tredje flyet som styrtet i bakken.. der kontaktet jo passasjerene sine nærmeste og fortalte at terrorister hadde tatt over flyet.. men jeg har ikke hørt noe som helst om passasjerene i flyene som traff WTC?
Noen som har noe innspill?

Anngående type fly som krasjet så er det godt dokumentert at det var passasjer fly som krasjet i..
Når det gjelder det flyet som ikke nådde sitt mål. Så var jo teorien der at passasjererene tok igjen men kunne ikke styre flyet. Di andre flyene var nokk under kontroll av terroristene. Så hvorfor skulle da dem la passasjererne ringe sine nermeste? Å risikere å ødlegge hele opperasjonen.
hvis du ser på side 2 i denne diskusjonstråden så har "?" lagt ut en videofil, der de konkluderer med at det ikke er noe passasjerfly som vi ser på videoene, men muligens et millitærfly..
jeg har ikke sett noen dokumenter på at det var passasjerfly som krasjet i tårene, hvor er i såfall de? har heller ikke sett intervjuer av pårørende til de som satt i passajerflyet..
Antall ord: 246
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Innlegg: 3244
Startet: 05 Sep 2004 20:51
Kjønn (valgfri): Mann
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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Dj_Devil »

Titten Tei skrev:
Dj_Devil skrev:
Titten Tei skrev:så litt i noen videoer ang WTC, der hevdet de at det ikke var passasjerfly som styrtet i tårnene men muligens et militærfly.. noen som vet eller har funnet noe om de passajerene som evt var i de to passasjerflyene? for når jeg tenker meg om, så hørte jeg bare om det tredje flyet som styrtet i bakken.. der kontaktet jo passasjerene sine nærmeste og fortalte at terrorister hadde tatt over flyet.. men jeg har ikke hørt noe som helst om passasjerene i flyene som traff WTC?
Noen som har noe innspill?

Anngående type fly som krasjet så er det godt dokumentert at det var passasjer fly som krasjet i..
Når det gjelder det flyet som ikke nådde sitt mål. Så var jo teorien der at passasjererene tok igjen men kunne ikke styre flyet. Di andre flyene var nokk under kontroll av terroristene. Så hvorfor skulle da dem la passasjererne ringe sine nermeste? Å risikere å ødlegge hele opperasjonen.
hvis du ser på side 2 i denne diskusjonstråden så har "?" lagt ut en videofil, der de konkluderer med at det ikke er noe passasjerfly som vi ser på videoene, men muligens et millitærfly..
jeg har ikke sett noen dokumenter på at det var passasjerfly som krasjet i tårene, hvor er i såfall de? har heller ikke sett intervjuer av pårørende til de som satt i passajerflyet..
Kan dessverre ikke se youtube filmer på jobb.



The Attack
The Mass Murder of September 11th, 2001

September 11th, 2001, saw the most deadly attack on American civilians in modern history. The attack consisted of a coordinated series of assaults.

* 8:15 AM: Flight 11 was commandeered.
* 8:42 AM: Flight 175 was commandeered.
* 8:46 AM: Flight 77 was commandeered.
* 8:46 AM: 1 World Trade Center was hit by a 767 jetliner.
* 9:03 AM: 2 World Trade Center was hit by a 767 jetliner.
* 9:16 AM: Flight 93 was commandeered.
* 9:38 AM: The Pentagon was hit by a jetliner.
* 9:59 AM: 2 World Trade Center was leveled.
* 10:28 AM: 1 World Trade Center was leveled.
* 5:20 PM: 7 World Trade Center was leveled.

Flight 11
The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th

American Airlines Flight 11 is the plane that hit the World Trade Center's North Tower. It was a Boeing 767-223ER on a scheduled flight from Boston to Los Angeles, with 81 passengers, nine flight attendants, and two pilots.

Known Course

At 7:59 AM, Flight 11 took off from Boston's Logan Airport. 1 At 8:13, the pilots last radio communication was made from the pilots to ground control: "twenty right American eleven." 2 At 8:15 Boston Air Traffic Control began unsuccessful attempts to contact the pilots after the plane failed to respond to an order to climb. 3 At 8:20, Flight 11 stopped transmitting its transponder signal, and veered northward and departed dramatically from the westward heading of its planned route. The controllers concluded that the plane had probably been hijacked. 4 5 At 8:24, the following transmission was reportedly received from Flight 11:
We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be okay .. we are returning to the airport.
Nobody move. Eveerything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet.
Nobody move please we are going back to the airport .. don't try to make any stupid moves. 6

Neither of the pilots pressed the distress call button. At 8:28 controllers reportedly watched the plane make a 100-degree turn toward the south. 7 Presumably, Flight 11 continued south along the Hudson River until it reached the World Trade Center, though documentation of this is sparse given the lack of public information.

According to NORAD's September 18 timeline, the FAA did not notify NORAD of the signs that Flight 11 was hijacked until 8:40, 25 minutes after the first signs of trouble.

hone Calls

At 8:21, phone calls from two flight attendants allegedly began. Betty Ong called Vanessa Minter at American Airlines reservations. 9 Flight attendant Madeline Sweeney called American Airlines ground manager Michael Woodward at Logan and spoke calmly to him for 25 minutes until the plane crashed. Supposedly the call was not recorded and Woodward took notes. Her first comment is "Listen, and listen to me very carefully. I'm on Flight 11. The airplane has been hijacked." At 8:45, just before the crash, she said "I see the water. I see the buildings. I see buildings," then after a pregnant pause, a quiet "Oh, my God!" 10

At 8:46 Flight 11 collided with the North Tower. The NTSB places the crash time at 8:46:40. (There is no evidence for the assertions by some people, such as proponents of the bumble planes theory, that the North Tower was hit by something other than Flight 11.) Human remains recovered from Ground Zero were identified as belonging to Flight 11 victims.

This illustration from USA Today shows the alleged flightpath of Flight 11. Note that Albany is positioned about 50 miles south of its actual location.
More accurate flight path descriptions are found in NTSB reports published in 2006.
Flight 175
The Second Jet Commandeered on September 11th

United Airlines Flight 175 is believed to be the plane that hit the World Trade Center's South Tower. It was a Boeing 767-222 on a scheduled flight from Boston to Los Angeles, with 56 passengers, 7 flight attendants, and 2 pilots.
Known Course

At 8:14 AM, Flight 175 took off from Boston's Logan Airport, 16 minutes after its scheduled departure time. 1 At 8:41, a Flight 175 pilot reported that he had overheard a transmission (presumably from by-then-hijacked Flight 11):
ya we figured we'd wait to go to you center ah we heard a suspicious transmission on our departure out of Boston ah with someone ah, ah sound like someone sound like someone keyed the mike and said ah everyone ah stay in your seats.

Shortly thereafter, the last radio communication was made from the pilots and air traffic control: "that's ah cut out ... did you copy that?" 2 At 8:42, Flight 175 veered off its planned course, and began flying south. 3 According to NORAD's June 18 timeline and prior press reports, at 8:43 the FAA notified NORAD that the flight had been hijacked. 4 5 6 At 8:46, Flight 175 stopped transmitting its transponder signal. 7

Flight 175 apparently flew in a southwesterly direction as it crossed the Hudson River, continued into New Jersey until it was southwest of New York City, and then made a sharp turn to the northeast in order to approach the World Trade Center from the southwest. According to the NTSB Report on Flight 175, the plane started a turn to the northeast at 8:57 and descended from 28,000 feet as it approached the World Trade Center.

Phone Calls

There were reportedly two calls from passengers, and one from an unnamed flight attendant on Flight 175. Around 8:43 the father of passenger Peter Burton Hanson received a call from a man claiming to be his son and saying "Oh, my God! They just stabbed the airline hostess. I think the airline is being hijacked." 9 At 8:58 passenger Brian Sweeney is said to have left a message for his wife "We've been hijacked, and it doesn't look too good" and talked to his mother. 10 11

At 9:03, Flight 175 collided with the South Tower. The NTSB places the crash time at 9:02:40. (Some people question the identity of the plane, as Flight 175, despite evidence such as the identification of human remains at Ground Zero as belonging to Flight 175 victims.)

The impact was 43 minutes after Flight 11 first went off course, 21 minutes after Flight 175 went off course, and 17 minutes after the North Tower impact, yet the jet was not intercepted.

This illustration from USA Today shows the alleged flightpath of Flight 175. Note that Albany is positioned about 50 miles south of its actual location.
More accurate flight path descriptions are found in NTSB reports published in 2006.
Flight 77
The Third Jet Commandeered on September 11th

American Airlines Flight 77 is the plane that is commonly believed to have crashed into the Pentagon. It was a Boeing 757-223 on a scheduled flight from Dulles to Los Angeles, with 58 passengers, four flight attendants, and two pilots.
Known Course

At 8:20 AM, Flight 77 took off from Dulles International Airport, 10 minutes after its scheduled departure time. At 8:46, Flight 77 veered severely off course. At 8:50, the last radio communication was made from the pilots and air traffic control. At 8:56, the jet's transponder was shut off. 1 The pilots' last transmission was "ah direct FALMOUTH American seventy seven thanks." No radio communications from the flight indicated distress. 2

The NTSB report on Flight 77 describes the plane's maneuvers in detail. It began to turn to the south at 8:55, and by 9:00 it was headed east. Shortly thereafter it began to descend from its altitude of 35,000 feet. The autopilot was engaged and disengaged multiple times. At 9:29 the plane was 35 miles west of the Pentagon flying at 7,000 feet. At 9:34 it was about 3.5 miles west-southwest of the Pentagon and started a 330-degree descending right turn, bringing it to an altitude of about 2000 feet four miles southwest of the Pentagon. 3

According to NORAD's September 18th timeline, the FAA didn't notify NORAD that Flight 77 was a possible hijack until 9:24, thirty-four minutes after the loss of radio communications. 4 Press reports couch the notification as of a "suspected" hijacking despite reports that the plane was flying toward Washington, DC with its transponder off twenty-one minutes after both towers had been hit.

Phone Calls

There were two reported phone calls from Flight 77: a cell phone call from flight attendant Renee May to her mother; and a cell phone call from passenger Barbara Olson to her husband, US Solicitor General Ted Olson. Ted Olson related to Newsweek:
Barbara was calm and collected as she told him how hijackers had used boxcutters and knifes to take control of the plane and had herded the passengers and crew to the back. “Ted, what can I do?” she asked him. “What can I tell the pilot?” Then, inexplicably, she got cut off. 7


At about 9:38 AM, a twin-engine jetliner flew into the Pentagon and exploded, according to numerous eyewitnesses on the ground. The NTSB places the time of impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon at 9:37:45. A Minnesota National Guard C-130 that had just taken off from nearby Andrews Air Force Base followed the jetliner in the seconds before it crashed. The pilot of the C-130, who described the plane as either a 757 or 767, provided the following account.
It was like coming up to an intersection. When air traffic control asked me if we had him in sight, I told him that was an understatement - by then, he had pretty much filled our windscreen. Then he made a pretty aggressive turn so he was moving right in front of us, a mile and a half, two miles away.
They told us to turn and follow that aircraft - in 20-plus years of flying, I've never been asked to do something like that. With all of the East Coast haze, I had a hard time picking him out.
The next thing I saw was the fireball. It was huge. I told Washington the airplane has impacted the ground. Shook everyone up pretty good. I told them the approximate location was close to the Potomac. I figured he'd had some in-flight emergency and was trying to get back on the ground to Washington National. Suddenly, I could see the outline of the Pentagon. It was horrible. I told Washington this thing has impacted the west side of the Pentagon. 8

Whether the aircraft that crashed into the Pentagon was Flight 77 is the subject of much question and controversy. Human remains of the people onboard Flight 77 were identified at Dover, but there is no public evidence that places the bodies at the Pentagon crash site.

The impact was 83 minutes after Flight 11 first went off course, and 58 minutes after the North Tower impact, and 40 minutes after the South Tower impact, yet the jet was not intercepted as it flew over the (normally) most heavily protected airspace in the United States, and in the world.

This illustration from USA Today shows the alleged flightpath of Flight 77. The loop in the middle of the outbound portion is much less pronounced in illustrations from other sources.
More accurate flight path descriptions are found in NTSB reports published in 2006.
Antall ord: 2248
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Titten Tei
Innlegg: 82
Startet: 04 Jan 2009 19:37

Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Titten Tei »

Dj_Devil skrev:
Titten Tei skrev:
Dj_Devil skrev:

Anngående type fly som krasjet så er det godt dokumentert at det var passasjer fly som krasjet i..
Når det gjelder det flyet som ikke nådde sitt mål. Så var jo teorien der at passasjererene tok igjen men kunne ikke styre flyet. Di andre flyene var nokk under kontroll av terroristene. Så hvorfor skulle da dem la passasjererne ringe sine nermeste? Å risikere å ødlegge hele opperasjonen.
hvis du ser på side 2 i denne diskusjonstråden så har "?" lagt ut en videofil, der de konkluderer med at det ikke er noe passasjerfly som vi ser på videoene, men muligens et millitærfly..
jeg har ikke sett noen dokumenter på at det var passasjerfly som krasjet i tårene, hvor er i såfall de? har heller ikke sett intervjuer av pårørende til de som satt i passajerflyet..
Kan dessverre ikke se youtube filmer på jobb.



The Attack
The Mass Murder of September 11th, 2001

September 11th, 2001, saw the most deadly attack on American civilians in modern history. The attack consisted of a coordinated series of assaults.

* 8:15 AM: Flight 11 was commandeered.
* 8:42 AM: Flight 175 was commandeered.
* 8:46 AM: Flight 77 was commandeered.
* 8:46 AM: 1 World Trade Center was hit by a 767 jetliner.
* 9:03 AM: 2 World Trade Center was hit by a 767 jetliner.
* 9:16 AM: Flight 93 was commandeered.
* 9:38 AM: The Pentagon was hit by a jetliner.
* 9:59 AM: 2 World Trade Center was leveled.
* 10:28 AM: 1 World Trade Center was leveled.
* 5:20 PM: 7 World Trade Center was leveled.

Flight 11
The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th

American Airlines Flight 11 is the plane that hit the World Trade Center's North Tower. It was a Boeing 767-223ER on a scheduled flight from Boston to Los Angeles, with 81 passengers, nine flight attendants, and two pilots.

Known Course

At 7:59 AM, Flight 11 took off from Boston's Logan Airport. 1 At 8:13, the pilots last radio communication was made from the pilots to ground control: "twenty right American eleven." 2 At 8:15 Boston Air Traffic Control began unsuccessful attempts to contact the pilots after the plane failed to respond to an order to climb. 3 At 8:20, Flight 11 stopped transmitting its transponder signal, and veered northward and departed dramatically from the westward heading of its planned route. The controllers concluded that the plane had probably been hijacked. 4 5 At 8:24, the following transmission was reportedly received from Flight 11:
We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be okay .. we are returning to the airport.
Nobody move. Eveerything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet.
Nobody move please we are going back to the airport .. don't try to make any stupid moves. 6

Neither of the pilots pressed the distress call button. At 8:28 controllers reportedly watched the plane make a 100-degree turn toward the south. 7 Presumably, Flight 11 continued south along the Hudson River until it reached the World Trade Center, though documentation of this is sparse given the lack of public information.

According to NORAD's September 18 timeline, the FAA did not notify NORAD of the signs that Flight 11 was hijacked until 8:40, 25 minutes after the first signs of trouble.

hone Calls

At 8:21, phone calls from two flight attendants allegedly began. Betty Ong called Vanessa Minter at American Airlines reservations. 9 Flight attendant Madeline Sweeney called American Airlines ground manager Michael Woodward at Logan and spoke calmly to him for 25 minutes until the plane crashed. Supposedly the call was not recorded and Woodward took notes. Her first comment is "Listen, and listen to me very carefully. I'm on Flight 11. The airplane has been hijacked." At 8:45, just before the crash, she said "I see the water. I see the buildings. I see buildings," then after a pregnant pause, a quiet "Oh, my God!" 10

At 8:46 Flight 11 collided with the North Tower. The NTSB places the crash time at 8:46:40. (There is no evidence for the assertions by some people, such as proponents of the bumble planes theory, that the North Tower was hit by something other than Flight 11.) Human remains recovered from Ground Zero were identified as belonging to Flight 11 victims.

This illustration from USA Today shows the alleged flightpath of Flight 11. Note that Albany is positioned about 50 miles south of its actual location.
More accurate flight path descriptions are found in NTSB reports published in 2006.
Flight 175
The Second Jet Commandeered on September 11th

United Airlines Flight 175 is believed to be the plane that hit the World Trade Center's South Tower. It was a Boeing 767-222 on a scheduled flight from Boston to Los Angeles, with 56 passengers, 7 flight attendants, and 2 pilots.
Known Course

At 8:14 AM, Flight 175 took off from Boston's Logan Airport, 16 minutes after its scheduled departure time. 1 At 8:41, a Flight 175 pilot reported that he had overheard a transmission (presumably from by-then-hijacked Flight 11):
ya we figured we'd wait to go to you center ah we heard a suspicious transmission on our departure out of Boston ah with someone ah, ah sound like someone sound like someone keyed the mike and said ah everyone ah stay in your seats.

Shortly thereafter, the last radio communication was made from the pilots and air traffic control: "that's ah cut out ... did you copy that?" 2 At 8:42, Flight 175 veered off its planned course, and began flying south. 3 According to NORAD's June 18 timeline and prior press reports, at 8:43 the FAA notified NORAD that the flight had been hijacked. 4 5 6 At 8:46, Flight 175 stopped transmitting its transponder signal. 7

Flight 175 apparently flew in a southwesterly direction as it crossed the Hudson River, continued into New Jersey until it was southwest of New York City, and then made a sharp turn to the northeast in order to approach the World Trade Center from the southwest. According to the NTSB Report on Flight 175, the plane started a turn to the northeast at 8:57 and descended from 28,000 feet as it approached the World Trade Center.

Phone Calls

There were reportedly two calls from passengers, and one from an unnamed flight attendant on Flight 175. Around 8:43 the father of passenger Peter Burton Hanson received a call from a man claiming to be his son and saying "Oh, my God! They just stabbed the airline hostess. I think the airline is being hijacked." 9 At 8:58 passenger Brian Sweeney is said to have left a message for his wife "We've been hijacked, and it doesn't look too good" and talked to his mother. 10 11

At 9:03, Flight 175 collided with the South Tower. The NTSB places the crash time at 9:02:40. (Some people question the identity of the plane, as Flight 175, despite evidence such as the identification of human remains at Ground Zero as belonging to Flight 175 victims.)

The impact was 43 minutes after Flight 11 first went off course, 21 minutes after Flight 175 went off course, and 17 minutes after the North Tower impact, yet the jet was not intercepted.

This illustration from USA Today shows the alleged flightpath of Flight 175. Note that Albany is positioned about 50 miles south of its actual location.
More accurate flight path descriptions are found in NTSB reports published in 2006.
Flight 77
The Third Jet Commandeered on September 11th

American Airlines Flight 77 is the plane that is commonly believed to have crashed into the Pentagon. It was a Boeing 757-223 on a scheduled flight from Dulles to Los Angeles, with 58 passengers, four flight attendants, and two pilots.
Known Course

At 8:20 AM, Flight 77 took off from Dulles International Airport, 10 minutes after its scheduled departure time. At 8:46, Flight 77 veered severely off course. At 8:50, the last radio communication was made from the pilots and air traffic control. At 8:56, the jet's transponder was shut off. 1 The pilots' last transmission was "ah direct FALMOUTH American seventy seven thanks." No radio communications from the flight indicated distress. 2

The NTSB report on Flight 77 describes the plane's maneuvers in detail. It began to turn to the south at 8:55, and by 9:00 it was headed east. Shortly thereafter it began to descend from its altitude of 35,000 feet. The autopilot was engaged and disengaged multiple times. At 9:29 the plane was 35 miles west of the Pentagon flying at 7,000 feet. At 9:34 it was about 3.5 miles west-southwest of the Pentagon and started a 330-degree descending right turn, bringing it to an altitude of about 2000 feet four miles southwest of the Pentagon. 3

According to NORAD's September 18th timeline, the FAA didn't notify NORAD that Flight 77 was a possible hijack until 9:24, thirty-four minutes after the loss of radio communications. 4 Press reports couch the notification as of a "suspected" hijacking despite reports that the plane was flying toward Washington, DC with its transponder off twenty-one minutes after both towers had been hit.

Phone Calls

There were two reported phone calls from Flight 77: a cell phone call from flight attendant Renee May to her mother; and a cell phone call from passenger Barbara Olson to her husband, US Solicitor General Ted Olson. Ted Olson related to Newsweek:
Barbara was calm and collected as she told him how hijackers had used boxcutters and knifes to take control of the plane and had herded the passengers and crew to the back. “Ted, what can I do?” she asked him. “What can I tell the pilot?” Then, inexplicably, she got cut off. 7


At about 9:38 AM, a twin-engine jetliner flew into the Pentagon and exploded, according to numerous eyewitnesses on the ground. The NTSB places the time of impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon at 9:37:45. A Minnesota National Guard C-130 that had just taken off from nearby Andrews Air Force Base followed the jetliner in the seconds before it crashed. The pilot of the C-130, who described the plane as either a 757 or 767, provided the following account.
It was like coming up to an intersection. When air traffic control asked me if we had him in sight, I told him that was an understatement - by then, he had pretty much filled our windscreen. Then he made a pretty aggressive turn so he was moving right in front of us, a mile and a half, two miles away.
They told us to turn and follow that aircraft - in 20-plus years of flying, I've never been asked to do something like that. With all of the East Coast haze, I had a hard time picking him out.
The next thing I saw was the fireball. It was huge. I told Washington the airplane has impacted the ground. Shook everyone up pretty good. I told them the approximate location was close to the Potomac. I figured he'd had some in-flight emergency and was trying to get back on the ground to Washington National. Suddenly, I could see the outline of the Pentagon. It was horrible. I told Washington this thing has impacted the west side of the Pentagon. 8

Whether the aircraft that crashed into the Pentagon was Flight 77 is the subject of much question and controversy. Human remains of the people onboard Flight 77 were identified at Dover, but there is no public evidence that places the bodies at the Pentagon crash site.

The impact was 83 minutes after Flight 11 first went off course, and 58 minutes after the North Tower impact, and 40 minutes after the South Tower impact, yet the jet was not intercepted as it flew over the (normally) most heavily protected airspace in the United States, and in the world.

This illustration from USA Today shows the alleged flightpath of Flight 77. The loop in the middle of the outbound portion is much less pronounced in illustrations from other sources.
More accurate flight path descriptions are found in NTSB reports published in 2006.
ok. jeg fant noe selv også som tyder på at det var passasjerfly. men du burde se filmen til "?" la ut.. den var litt spennende :)
Antall ord: 2175
*Mennesket er det eneste dyr som kan rødme. Og som har grunn til det...*

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Titten Tei
Innlegg: 82
Startet: 04 Jan 2009 19:37

Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Titten Tei »

hvorfor ble WTC 7 revet? noen som vet noe om det? hva er den offisielle forklaringen?
skulle fly nr 3 egentlig treffe det tårnet? (flyet som gikk i bakken i stedet)
Antall ord: 32
*Mennesket er det eneste dyr som kan rødme. Og som har grunn til det...*

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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av Dj_Devil »

Titten Tei skrev:hvorfor ble WTC 7 revet? noen som vet noe om det? hva er den offisielle forklaringen?
skulle fly nr 3 egentlig treffe det tårnet? (flyet som gikk i bakken i stedet)
les forje side.. det fra meg som står på engelsk helt nedenfor.

eller les her: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/pullit.html
Antall ord: 59
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Startet: 03 Mai 2005 22:22
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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av paraunormal »

Dj_Devil skrev:
Titten Tei skrev:hvorfor ble WTC 7 revet? noen som vet noe om det? hva er den offisielle forklaringen?
skulle fly nr 3 egentlig treffe det tårnet? (flyet som gikk i bakken i stedet)
les forje side.. det fra meg som står på engelsk helt nedenfor.

eller les her: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/pullit.html
Her legger han nok en annen betydning i ordet "pull" enn den som brukes blant brannmannskapet:
Altså å trekke ut brannmannskaper fra bygningen, siden den sto i fare for å rase.

"What does Silverstein mean by "the decision to pull" Building 7? Many observers have suggested that a later passage in the same documentary indicates that, in this context, "pull" means to destroy a building through controlled demolition. In preparation for the controlled demolition of irreparably damaged Building 6, a Ground Zero worker says

... we're getting ready to pull the Building Six.

An alternative explanation for Silverstein's remark is that he was referring to a decision to "pull" firefighting operations in Building 7. That explanation is advanced in a September 9, 2005 statement issued by Stilverstein Properties spokesperson Mr. Dara McQuillan: ....."

(fra linken du postet over: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/pullit.html )

Dette ble forsåvidt diskutert på slutten i den forrige 9/11-tråden.
Sist redigert av paraunormal på 16 Apr 2009 15:01, redigert 1 gang totalt. Antall ord: 220

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Startet: 03 Mai 2005 22:22
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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av paraunormal »

Titten Tei skrev: skulle fly nr 3 egentlig treffe det tårnet? (flyet som gikk i bakken i stedet)
Dette flyet gikk ned i Pennsylvania, og hadde kurs mot Washington DC. og trolig det hvite hus.
Antall ord: 36

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Re: eksplosivt nanomateriale funnet i støvet etter WTC

Innlegg av ludoburgero »

Dj_Devil skrev:
Titten Tei skrev:hvorfor ble WTC 7 revet? noen som vet noe om det? hva er den offisielle forklaringen?
skulle fly nr 3 egentlig treffe det tårnet? (flyet som gikk i bakken i stedet)
les forje side.. det fra meg som står på engelsk helt nedenfor.

eller les her: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/pullit.html
Nja, nå kommer vel snart Kimbara/BA igjen med at kommentaren
"pull it" ikke nødvendigvis betyr å "rive ned", og at det kan være et uttrykk for hva som helst annet. Dette fikk jeg servert en gang tidligere her på forumet ihvertfall.

Skulle ønske jeg kunne funnet den filmen igjen hvor jeg så brannmenn selv si dette at bygning 7 skulle rives pga. brannen som var i det bygget. Jeg så nemlig en dokumentar eller et klipp en gang hvor det var en newsreporter på stedet som snakket med noen brannmenn som trakk folk unna nærliggende gater fordi det hadde blitt bestemt at bygningen skulle nedrives.

Noen av dere som har fått med dere nyheten om at BBC nevnte at bygning 7 var falt allerede FØR den var rast ned? Spesielt morsomt er det jo når man ser bygning 7 stå i bakgrunnen enda (et godt stykke unna) mens en reporter sier at de "nettopp har fått inn en rapport om at bygning 7 også er rast sammen". Tror dette var en halvtimes tid før den faktisk ble revet ned.

Ganske fantastisk, egentlig...
Antall ord: 252
“Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent,
leave the house before you find something worth staying in for.”

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