Universet & dets hemmeligheterCompassion, the Spiritual Catalyst

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Startet: 26 Aug 2004 02:46
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Compassion, the Spiritual Catalyst

Innlegg av zind »

No, the most powerful emotion is not fear. It's not anger either. I'm going to tell you what it is, and I'm going to tell you that it's an attribute of love. You might say, “Oh, that's very, very nice, and we knew you were going to say that.” Yes, but it's not actually love! We're going to identify the attribute of an emotion that is the center of The Third Language. The Third Language is defined as that language between the Human Being and the Higher Self. It also contains something that is a catalyst to power. It's called “compassion.” It is difficult to define, this Third Language, for it is interdimensional. When the Human Being feels true compassion for family, for self, and for the planet, an energy of communication is created that was never there before, and you can feel it.

Some of you have felt these things in your meditations. Some of you are looking for certain kinds of feelings when you pray. Turn to compassion. How many of you are aware of a “feedback” feeling when you meditate—one that floods you or tingles you or touches you on the head? How many of you are aware of what that is? You brought yourselves to a level where you could feel and experience the energy of compassion. That triggered communication, and you felt the feedback of the guide energy and the Higher Self.

We are saying to you that compassion is a trigger during your communication to Spirit, not the language or energy of simply asking or being loved. We are talking about generating the “thickness of love.” It is compassion that is the key, and when you feel compassion, it is returned to you within a two-way path of interaction. You start to feel us when we feel the compassion of the energy within you. It creates communication. It translates the untranslatable. We're here to tell you that this is yours alone. The animals do not feel sacred compassion, and you do. No other living thing on your planet can create this kind of energy, nor can any of those who visit your world at the moment.

Siden det har vært en del tråder om hva vi styres av, syntes jeg den var på plass med et nytt svar til ludos store søken om dagen... og her er ingenting preget av fornuft! Å nei da! eller? :D

Dette er del av en kryon kanalisering (ja, kanalisering! :shock: ) Håper det går greit på engelsk. .....Diskuter!
Antall ord: 432
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung

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Sjamanistisk konfirmasjon 2025
- En meningsfull reise inn i voksenlivet.

I dagens samfunn søker mange ungdommer etter alternative måter å markere overgangen fra barn til voksen.
En av disse alternativene er sjamanistisk konfirmasjon, arrangert av Sjamanistisk Forbund.
Dette ritualet er en del av en stadig voksende bevegelse som søker å gjenopplive og modernisere gamle, naturbaserte tradisjoner.

Hva er Sjamanistisk Forbund?
Sjamanistisk Forbund er en organisasjon som arbeider for å fremme sjamanisme som en spirituell praksis og livsstil i Norge.
Forbundet ble stiftet i 2012 og har siden den gang vokst i antall medlemmer og aktivitetstilbud.
Sjamanisme, slik det praktiseres av forbundet, er en naturbasert åndelighet som legger vekt på kontakten med naturen, åndeverdenen og indre visdom.
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Startet: 16 Mar 2008 22:05
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Lokalisering: Hadeland/Oslo

Re: Compassion, the Spiritual Catalyst

Innlegg av TheMartine »

Medfølelse fungerer best sammen med sinne for meg. For en dynamisk duo <3
Antall ord: 13

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