Engler, Guider, Hjelpere, SkytsenglerSavner info om auraen

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Innlegg: 626
Startet: 27 Apr 2004 14:45
Kjønn (valgfri): vi'kke si så !
Lokalisering: Trondheim
Blitt takket: 2 ganger

Savner info om auraen

Innlegg av Eireen »

Savner altså skikkelig info om auraen. Jeg leste et sted at denne består av syv lag, men i litteraturen jeg har funnet til nå, er det bare 3-4 av dem som er grundig beskrevet, og selv de 3-4 spriker noe i informasjonen. Er det noen som sitter med kunnskap om auraen som vil dele?
Antall ord: 57
Jeg takker Deg for enda en dag. Jeg ber Deg gi meg styrke til å gå med verdighet denne dagen, slik at jeg kan legge meg uten skam i kveld.

*Bear Heart*

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Startet: 26 Aug 2004 02:46
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Innlegg av zind »

Jeg har en bok med et kapittel om dette som jeg synes forklarer det veldig enkelt og grundig. Der står det om alle syv lagene. Det er likevel mye, men jeg deler gjerne, trenger bare litt tid til å få tastet ned det grøfste. Går det greit å lese litt engelsk?
Antall ord: 52
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung

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Innlegg: 626
Startet: 27 Apr 2004 14:45
Kjønn (valgfri): vi'kke si så !
Lokalisering: Trondheim
Blitt takket: 2 ganger

Innlegg av Eireen »

zind skrev:Jeg har en bok med et kapittel om dette som jeg synes forklarer det veldig enkelt og grundig. Der står det om alle syv lagene. Det er likevel mye, men jeg deler gjerne, trenger bare litt tid til å få tastet ned det grøfste. Går det greit å lese litt engelsk?
Det går kjempefint. Nå ble jeg skikkelig glad :D
Antall ord: 63
Jeg takker Deg for enda en dag. Jeg ber Deg gi meg styrke til å gå med verdighet denne dagen, slik at jeg kan legge meg uten skam i kveld.

*Bear Heart*

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Innlegg av Hecate »

Den beste illustrasjonen jeg kan komme på i farten er på denne siden:
Antall ord: 16
Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.
~Lao Tzu

Our Anscestors be Praised!

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Startet: 26 Aug 2004 02:46
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Innlegg av zind »

Det står så utrolig mye bra i den boka jeg refererer til Eireen. Det begynner med en lang innledning, som jeg også gjerne skulle delt, men jeg siden det er så utrolig mye skal jeg prøve å ta med de tingene jeg regner med er av størst interesse :)

Barbara Ann Brennan describes the four dimensions of energy systems and greative energives and their interrelationship. They are:

1. The physical body - the body that behaves in relationship to the other dimensions
2. The aura, including the chakras - the personality that we develop
3. The hara - the foundation for the personality which is created out of our intensions
4- The core star level - our divine essence.

These dimensions represent energy charges that influence our personalities, and each is a progressively deeper side of our nature. Thus, the core star reflects the basic nature of our soul, wheras the hara, aura, chakras, and physical body are more likely a product of our experiences and levels of our spiritual development. Each of these is discussed below.

The Physical Body

Our physical body and the physical world we experience consitute the miraculous way in which we experience life. This body and this world are maintained by unseen worlds of energy and dimensions that constitute higher vibrations and conscioiusness. Many people assume that the physical body is first and that the other dimensions follow. There is evidence, however, that the reverse is true and that our human energy systems existing in other dimensional realities provide the underlying design or matrix for development of the physical body.
In one sense, the physical body is the "end of the line." Weaknesses or problems in the deeper dimensions eventually result in dysfunction or disease in the physical body. Psychic healers work to clear or balance the inner dimensions as a means of helping an individual resist or overcome disease. When individuals understand the relationship among these dimensions, they can exert more control over their lives and enjoy a stronger, healthier, more creative way of living. Information of this sort also provides individuals with important information necessary for spiritual growth.

The Aura

The aura is the dimension above the physical body which facilitates our psychological processes. It is the conduit or means by which our core self is transmitted to our physical body. Maintaining a balance in our auric field is essential for good health. According to Brennan (1933), the auric field is the egg-shaped field of energy surrounding a person that includes sevel levels, or "bodies", and the chakras. The levels penetrate through the body and extend outward from the skin. The levels closest to the body vibrate on lower frequencies and those farther away from the body vibrate at higher frequencies.

Brennan believes that the first, third, fifth and seventh levels of this field are structured in a specific form. The second, fourth,and sixth are filled with formless energy. The second appears the be gas-like, the fourth is fluid-like, and the sixth is diffuse light. She uses the term bioplasma to describe these levels and describes them as exhibiting varied colors, densities, and intensities. This bioplasma flows around structured levels of the aura and correlates with one's emotions. It is this bioplasma energy field that is the creative life force energy that is used for manifestations.

When the combined energy field of the aura is strong, the body is strong and capable of productive functioning.When it is weak, the physical and life experiences of individual are limited. Each level of the auric field is related to one of the secen areas of life experiences. The life experience areas have been described in slighty different ways by individuals using their psychic sight, but there is much similarity among their descriptions. Brennan, an outstanding scientist-healer with psychic sight, describes the sevel levels in the following way.

Level 1 -Physical Sensations

The first level of the auric field correlates energy flow, pulsation, and structure with what you feel in your body. In active, strong persons this field manifests as thick, coarse, dark blue-gray levels. Athletes and dancers exhibit more lines of energy that are thicker, highly charged, and bright blue. Quiet, sensitive nonathletic persons show a thin, fine level which is light aqua-blue. When individuals abuse their bodies, they lose connections with the senses and may experience disease.

Level 2 -Emotions

Feelings and emotions are experienced in the second level of the auric field. When an individual feels positive about herself or himself, bright colors of cloud-like energies are evident. Negative feelings show up in darker, dirtier shades of colors. When the second level is strong and charged, it indicates positive feelings about the self. When the level is weak and undercharged, it indicates negative feelings about the self.

Level 3 -Rational Mind.

People with strong, clear minds exhibit lemon yellow energy lines pulsating at a very high rate. If the level is weak and undercharged, the person will not demonstrate mental clarity and probably will not be interested in learning activites or other intellectual pursuits.

Level 4 -Relationship and Compassion

The first three levels of the auric field represent the physical world. The fourth level is the bridge between the personality and the spiritual body. Others refer to the fourth level as the Intentional/Compassionate Body and describe it as a vehicle for getting in touch with the Universal Mind. Brennan describes it as the level that represents our relationship with people, animals, plants, inanimate objects, the Earth, the sun, the stars, and the universe. The energy of the fourth level appears as fluid filled with all colors.

A person with a strong, healthy, and charged fourth level is likely to have good relationships with others. If the fourth level is undercharged, the energy appears as dark, thich, heavy liquid. Brennan refers to this as auric mucus, which has a negative effect on the body causing pain, heaviness, and disease.

One of the most interesting of Brennan`s observations is that the energy of the fourth level is sent out to other persons. Streams of bioplasma reach out from each of us to touch other`s auric fields. The colors of the streamers reflect emotions and can be perceived as either positve or negative. Love is seen as rose energy, envy as dark gray-green, passion as orange, and anger as red. Weak souls can attach themselves on a physical level to others and use this level of energy to drain others of their life force energy. This is how the term psychic vampire originated.

Level 5 -Divine Will

The fifth level, Divine Will, is the template for the first, or physical level. It contains the form for the body and all other life. When this level is strong and full of energy, it reflects an alignment with Divine Will. When such an alignment is in place, people maintain order in their lives. When one is not aligned with Divine Will, the pattern of the fifth level is disorted, and the person does not feel connected to the world around.

Level 6 -Soul or Divine Love

The sixth level is the soul level and allows the soul to be expressed in the physical body. Brennan describes the sixth level as consisting of beautiful streamers of Light extending about two or onehalf feet from the body. It contains all colors and vibrates at a high frequency.The health of the sixth level is evident in its brightness and energy. This indicates spiritual love and joy. When the sixth level is weak, one is unlikely to have spiritual or inspirational experiences. It may appear as dark or thin. A key to spiritual growth is the charge the sixth level through meditation, contemplation of a beautiful object, or repeating mantras.

Level 7 -Divine mind.

The seventh level provides the individual with a feeling of Oness with the universe. A strong seventh level is seen as beautiful, golden lines of energy vibrating at a high frequency. Streamers are interwoven to form the physical components of the body, and they extend to three and one-half feet. These streamers form a golden egg that protects the individual. This egg structure is strong, and regulates the flow of energy outward. It also quards against the penetrations of unhealthy energies.

Deler av en kanalisering fra samme bok:

The eight body is called the energy cortex body. This body wraps itself around the lower seven bodies and keeps the individual connected to the planes of consciousness that provide higher quidance. It is a level of beingness that is beyond direct communication to the lower seven bodies. It is hte body that is aligned with the guardian angels who so lovingly guide individuals on their paths. The energy vortex body constitutes the passageway for ascension, as it is the link between the Higher Self and the Great Central Sun. For this body to merge with the lower seven bodies, Light must permeate one`s consciousness to such a degree that the Third Eye remains fully illumined at all times.

The ninth body is called the electron body. This body vibrates to the same degree as the etheric. This body has the power to totally transform the lower eight bodies into Light and perform the ascension process. The electron body provides the ultimate experience for the soul, which has toiled for so many lifetimes to reach Shamballa, the home of the Ascended Masters. This body holds the prayers of the faithful and is the reason why you have come to earth. It is the ultimate. It is the All.

Håper det var til hjelp :)
Antall ord: 1607
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung

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Innlegg: 626
Startet: 27 Apr 2004 14:45
Kjønn (valgfri): vi'kke si så !
Lokalisering: Trondheim
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Innlegg av Eireen »

Tusen takk for at du tok deg tid til dette zind, det setter jeg virkelig pris på! Gleder meg til å lese gjennom det :D

En takk til Heia også, for en informativ link. Har allerede lastet ned noe ;)
Antall ord: 37
Jeg takker Deg for enda en dag. Jeg ber Deg gi meg styrke til å gå med verdighet denne dagen, slik at jeg kan legge meg uten skam i kveld.

*Bear Heart*

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Innlegg: 626
Startet: 27 Apr 2004 14:45
Kjønn (valgfri): vi'kke si så !
Lokalisering: Trondheim
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Innlegg av Eireen »

Psst zind, hva heter boka?
Antall ord: 5
Jeg takker Deg for enda en dag. Jeg ber Deg gi meg styrke til å gå med verdighet denne dagen, slik at jeg kan legge meg uten skam i kveld.

*Bear Heart*

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Startet: 26 Aug 2004 02:46
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Innlegg av zind »

Glemte å si hvilken bok det er fra!
"The light shall set you free" av Dr. Norma Milanovich og Dr. Shirley McCune.

Utdrag fra kaptittel 5, Human Energy Systems.
Utenom de seks første kapittelene som omhandler mestre, the nature of souls on earth, reinkarnasjon og karma, kroppens energisystemer og den femte dimensjon, tar resten av boka for seg de universelle lovene en etter en. (pluss litt meditasjon, bønn etc)
Antall ord: 70
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung

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Innlegg av zind »

Bare hyggelig. Jeg syntes faktisk det var kjempeflott, for det er så lenge siden jeg har lest igjennom det og fikk mye ut av det selv også ;)

Får takke til Heia for linken jeg også, så ut som det lå mye spennende lesestoff der!
Antall ord: 45
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. -C.Jung

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Innlegg: 626
Startet: 27 Apr 2004 14:45
Kjønn (valgfri): vi'kke si så !
Lokalisering: Trondheim
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Innlegg av Eireen »

Takk nok en gang zind ;)
Antall ord: 5
Jeg takker Deg for enda en dag. Jeg ber Deg gi meg styrke til å gå med verdighet denne dagen, slik at jeg kan legge meg uten skam i kveld.

*Bear Heart*

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Innlegg: 35
Startet: 21 Apr 2006 23:58

Innlegg av Losen »

Aura kan du trene deg opp til å se med ditt 3dje øye.
Det går helt fint for meg... Jeg ser 3 lag. Jeg ser den som ett lag rundt kroppen i eggefasong. Du har også ett rundt hodet. Du kan kanskje trene deg opp til å se chakra.
Antall ord: 48

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Innlegg: 76
Startet: 09 Okt 2005 22:02
Kjønn (valgfri): vi'kke si så !
Lokalisering: porsgrunn

Innlegg av annatherese »

jeg vet ikke noe spessielt om aura egentlgi

men jeg har ei venninne som lyser på alle bilder jeg atr av henne!
absolutt alle. noen ganger hvitt og noen ganger grønnt! hehe er helt spørtt.
vi har egentlgi slått oss til ro med det at hun er så bleik..

men hun lyser opp asså.=)
kan jo ha noe aura og gjøre=)
veldig åpen jente om ikke annet
Antall ord: 71
Root: under-active (0%)
Sacral: over-active (69%)
Navel: under-active (13%)
Heart: open (25%)
Throat: over-active (69%)
Third Eye: open (19%)
Crown: under-active (6%)


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Innlegg: 35
Startet: 21 Apr 2006 23:58

Innlegg av Losen »

Du må skille mellom fotografert aura og den som du ser med det 3dje øye.
Du kan få fotografert din aura men den er ikke den som er din "åndelige"
Når du og din venninde fotograferer med ett vanlig kamera tror jeg ikke det er den type aura som man kan kalle for den åndelige. Aurafotografering forteller din enegi der og da. Den endres hele dagen, mens den åndelige forteller mere om din psyke og åndelighet.
Antall ord: 80

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