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Bli spådd !Artemis legger kort

Her kan du bli spådd, men vær obs:
Svarene du får gis av mange forskjellige mennesker, noen KAN mer enn andre, mens andre kanskje bare svarer for morroskyld.
Du kan altså IKKE stole på de svarene du får, og om svarene du får er feil, så er det DITT ansvar å ta avgjørelser ut fra eget hode, og IKKE ut fra hva enkelte svar her kan antyde.... frasier seg ethvert ansvar for de følger det måtte ha om du følger dårlige råd gitt av brukere her inne

Moderatorer: Asbjørn, mod klarsyn, mod hjem

Forum regler
Her kan du bli spådd, men vær obs:
Svarene du får gis av mange forskjellige mennesker, noen KAN mer enn andre, mens andre kanskje bare svarer for morroskyld.
Du kan altså IKKE stole på de svarene du får, og om svarene du får er feil, så er det DITT ansvar å ta avgjørelser ut fra eget hode, og IKKE ut fra hva enkelte svar her kan antyde.... frasier seg ethvert ansvar for de følger det måtte ha om du følger dårlige råd gitt av brukere her inne
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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Asbjørn »

Artemis skrev: 15 Feb 2019 21:02 Ja, det vet jeg. Jeg har ikke det - og det er bare her det skjer. Trodde det var pga oppdateringer på forumet først, men jeg ser at det står "nettstedet er ikke sikkert" når jeg er logget ut - så antar at det er derfor. Bruker Safari
Ok, Safari har jeg ikke kjennskap til, det som er årsaken til "Ikke sikker", er at noen sider har bilder fra usikre sider, som det heter. ( dvs at de ikke kjører kryptert trafikk).
Det er somregel bilder eller andre linker som ligger på sida, til sider hvor noen bilder og videoer ligger lagra.
Og dermed finner systemet ut at her ligger det et bilde ( eller video) fra en usikker side, og da blir også paranormal "degradert" til usikker.

Hvis du ser på en side hvor det er bilder som er lagret lokalt, som f.ex tarotsidene så ser man at det er en sikker side.

Antall ord: 163

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Artemis »

Artemis skrev: 15 Feb 2019 19:09
Er fryktelig trøtt i kveld, men trekker kort i løpet av helga - takk for tålmodigheten! :sorry
Det ble visst en noe "oval weekend" 8) (det tar utrolig mye tid når man skal prøve å organisere en reise) - beklager det, men nå er jeg klar til å trekke kort! :whee
Antall ord: 56

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Artemis »

Minsinn skrev: 11 Feb 2019 17:18 Om du ikke har gått lei, så tar jeg gjerne et kort jeg også :notworthy:
Hei Minsinn, du fikk

Building Blocks: ” Strong foundations; a beautiful work in progress”

The Oracle’s Message: “You have everything you need to cultivate an extraordinary life. This is a time when your focus needs to be on the foundations you build upon. Your work, your relationships, and your very being are underwritten by your values, ethics, morals, and core beliefs. Are they still true for you? Will they stand the test of time and serve as the solid grounding upon which you construct your life? Now you are making changes that will affect everything in a positive way. Your destiny is truly a remarkable and beautiful design.”

Relationship Message: “When you see this card, know that you are attracting new relationships into your life – and solidifying the ones that you already have – by building them on the foundations of honesty, humility, clear communication and a genuine desire to know one another. You are moving toward laying the groundwork for a relationship with the firm footing that will ensure it can withstand any storm. Long-standing relationships are also repaired and strengthened. You and the other person are stronger, wiser, and more powerful together than apart.”

Prosperity Message: “You have everything you need to turn iron into gold in the alchemical process of creating the prosperous life you desire. Now is the time to build on the strong foundation you have already laid for your prosperity. Keep in mind that these building blocks are imbued with the sparkling energy of your intentions. Own your dream, and remember that you always have more than enough and you always are enough, so abundance is ever present. Your creativity is Divinely inspired, and the design for your life is taking shape in service to the world. You are meant for success.”

Protection Message: “Now is the time to address the cracks in the foundations of your life. Perhaps your values have changed and it is time to strengthen your convictions and let go of the things that no longer serve the vision you have for your life. Or perhaps you chose to ignore the signs that a situation or agreement you have entered into is not right for you. Remove the rotten pieces and reinforce your core moral strength and integrity. Now is the time for rigorous honesty, for you are called to renovate and upgrade your consciousness! You will be so happy when you do. Spirit has a spectaular blueprint for your life far beyond your imagination. Do not be afraid to replace what is not solid.”

(Den siste er opp/ned-betydningen, tok den også med bare i tilfelle!)
Antall ord: 460

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NYTT Diskusjons forum for andre tema enn det paranormale.

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Artemis »

Svartepus skrev: 11 Feb 2019 17:57 Ja takk! :)
Gjerne Prosperity message. På forhånd tusen hjertelig takk! :flower
Bare hyggelig :blomst

Da jeg stokket falt det ett enkelt kort ned på gulvet, så jeg gir deg det, men du får et til som er trukket på "vanlig" måte.

Det som falt ut er:

Unfinished Symphony

The Oracle’s message: This is a time to tie up loose ends as you near the completion of a cycle or project and mastery of a lesson or skill. Before you can move forward, it’s important that you come to terms with where you are now. Practice radical acceptance. Take inventory so that emotional and psychological closure can occur and the answers you seek will be found. You can’t move forward if you are leaving things unfinished. Reflect on what has passed so that the symphony can finally end on a high note.

Relationship message: Moving on is difficult when love lingers, things are left unsaid, and you haven’t had the opportunity for closure in your relationship and in your heart. You can still feel bound up in relationships when closure is denied you. It’s important to achieve this for yourself. Write that letter, make that call, or have that conversation over a cup of coffee. For peace of mind, accept matters as they are, make amends if need be, and declare your feelings, even if only to yourself. Be clear about what was left unresolved, and close the door on the past so you can set yourself free. Only then can new love blossom.

Prosperity message: Make sure you complete projects now before starting new ones. Perhaps you have created something special that will increase your sense of abundance and bring you opportunities for wealth. However, if you don’t see it through, it won’t add up to anything but more clutter. Now is the time to put your nose to the grindstone and complete the tasks that have accumulated. Pay your bills, sign the documents, do your filing, hand in an assignment, complete a work of art. Tie up loose ends so you can move forward with surety, knowing you’re on the prosperous path and feeling refreshed and excited about the future.

(Her fant jeg ikke opp/ned-betydningen på nett)

Så fikk du:

Higher Power

Higher Power ~ Essential meaning: “Conscious contact with a Higher Power; the presence of the Divine; seeing Source energy in all things; committing to a partnership with Spirit.”

The Oracle’s Message: “This card reminds you that you are more than a person trying to get ahead and make things happen for ourselves and others. You have an immortal soul and are gifted with a human life through which a Higher Power can express itself. At this time, you need to be conscious of your connection to Spirit and foster it through prayer and meditation. Ask: What is the highest good for all? How can I serve? Then get out of your own way and trust that there is a plan for your life more wondrous than you can ever know. You are always protected and Divinely directed.”

Relationship Message: “It is time to address how much effort you give to your relationship with your Higher Power, called God, Goddess, Spirit, or any other name that is sacred and holy. Recognize that your partnership with Spirit is your number one priority. The appearance of this card also indicates that there is a deep spiritual bond between you and another person who is essential to your growth and evolution. Tend to your spiritual connections and remain aware of your true nature.

Prosperity Message: “Sometimes your work just flows through you – ideas come rushing in, and inspiration bubbles up from a wellspring you didn’t even know you could access. When you enter agreements, begin projects, and negotiate deals with Spirit as your partner, you will always succeed. Let your Higher Power lead. The synchronicities and intuitive nudges you feel will help you see which way you are being pointed, giving you confidence to move forward in the right direction. Don’t forget to give credit where it is due. You wouldn’t be a success without Spirit’s guidance. Humility will serve you well when this symbol appears.”

Protection Message: “Now is the time to examine what you are giving energy and attention to in the back of your mind. If you are obsessing about being right; about old resentments or failed expectations; about money; or about any other people, places or things, these will be the source from which you create. But you want Spirit to be your Source! Take heart, for your Higher Power will never desert you and is always waiting for you to remember the sacred partnership you share. Turn away from other sources of power that don’t serve your highest good. There is no greater Source than Spirit. You can always surrender your troubles and trust that they will be taken care of. You are in good hands.”
Antall ord: 843

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NYTT Diskusjons forum for andre tema enn det paranormale.

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Minsinn »

Artemis skrev: 19 Feb 2019 12:11
Minsinn skrev: 11 Feb 2019 17:18 Om du ikke har gått lei, så tar jeg gjerne et kort jeg også :notworthy:
Hei Minsinn, du fikk

Building Blocks: ” Strong foundations; a beautiful work in progress”

The Oracle’s Message: “You have everything you need to cultivate an extraordinary life. This is a time when your focus needs to be on the foundations you build upon. Your work, your relationships, and your very being are underwritten by your values, ethics, morals, and core beliefs. Are they still true for you? Will they stand the test of time and serve as the solid grounding upon which you construct your life? Now you are making changes that will affect everything in a positive way. Your destiny is truly a remarkable and beautiful design.”

Relationship Message: “When you see this card, know that you are attracting new relationships into your life – and solidifying the ones that you already have – by building them on the foundations of honesty, humility, clear communication and a genuine desire to know one another. You are moving toward laying the groundwork for a relationship with the firm footing that will ensure it can withstand any storm. Long-standing relationships are also repaired and strengthened. You and the other person are stronger, wiser, and more powerful together than apart.”

Prosperity Message: “You have everything you need to turn iron into gold in the alchemical process of creating the prosperous life you desire. Now is the time to build on the strong foundation you have already laid for your prosperity. Keep in mind that these building blocks are imbued with the sparkling energy of your intentions. Own your dream, and remember that you always have more than enough and you always are enough, so abundance is ever present. Your creativity is Divinely inspired, and the design for your life is taking shape in service to the world. You are meant for success.”

Protection Message: “Now is the time to address the cracks in the foundations of your life. Perhaps your values have changed and it is time to strengthen your convictions and let go of the things that no longer serve the vision you have for your life. Or perhaps you chose to ignore the signs that a situation or agreement you have entered into is not right for you. Remove the rotten pieces and reinforce your core moral strength and integrity. Now is the time for rigorous honesty, for you are called to renovate and upgrade your consciousness! You will be so happy when you do. Spirit has a spectaular blueprint for your life far beyond your imagination. Do not be afraid to replace what is not solid.”

(Den siste er opp/ned-betydningen, tok den også med bare i tilfelle!)
Tusen takk, Artemis :flower
Og vet du, det ga faktisk mening :klemme
Antall ord: 477
Peace and love, Honey, Peace and love :bat

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Artemis »

Minsinn skrev: 19 Feb 2019 17:31

Tusen takk, Artemis :flower
Og vet du, det ga faktisk mening :klemme
Så bra! :sunny
Antall ord: 19

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NYTT Diskusjons forum for andre tema enn det paranormale.

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Artemis »

Magos skrev: 10 Feb 2019 18:54 Takk for spennende kort! :mozilla_smile:
Takk for tilbakemeldingen, Magos :vink
Antall ord: 17

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NYTT Diskusjons forum for andre tema enn det paranormale.

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av g.r.y »

Hiver meg gjerne på jeg også når/hvis du har tid & anledning :)

På forhånd takk
Antall ord: 17
The majority's concept of the truth isn't necessarily the actual truth.
Use your own mind. - Always!

~ Gry ~

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NYTT Diskusjons forum for andre tema enn det paranormale.

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Artemis »

g.r.y skrev: 20 Feb 2019 07:00 Hiver meg gjerne på jeg også når/hvis du har tid & anledning :)

På forhånd takk
Absolutt! Nå var jeg i siget, så her får du et kort med én gang:

Between Worlds

The Oracle’s message: Between the worlds is where you must let go of the tendency to make assumptions. This is a time when you are unable to see what is ahead. Cultivate curiosity, and trust the process of change and growth. You are done learning the lessons of recent experiences. In this place, between what was and what will be, is a state of making and unmaking and making again. What is essential now is to admit not knowing. There is great freedom and power to be unleashed. A mystery that is not yours to understand weaves the web of life, within a Divine matrix of consciousness greater than your own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, desires, and decisions. The seeds that were planted in the past begin to take root, but what surfaces will probably not be what you expect. When you are between the worlds, you are invited to see with the curious eyes of a child glimpsing a rainbow for the first time. Do so and you will not be disappointed.

Relationship message: This is a time to explore the new energy between you and another. It is not a moment for certainty but rather for discovery and curiosity. You don’t yet know if this will last forever, so allow yourself to explore who you are and what is reflected back to you. This relationship is meant to educate you about yourself. What do you need? What do you like or dislike? What values are important to you? You are in a critical phase of your relationship that is not to be dismissed or hurried.

Prosperity message: In your work, sometimes you try things that have worked for others, hoping that you, too, will be successful. When this symbol appears, it reminds you that sometimes the path to your prosperity is a gamble. Win or lose, you can learn much from what comes of your wager. It’s a good time to bet on your skills and talents in new and different arenas. Remain curious, and with the right combination of timing and luck, you will stumble upon something golden that will be unlike anything you’ve known before.
Antall ord: 406

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NYTT Diskusjons forum for andre tema enn det paranormale.

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Svartepus »

Artemis skrev: 19 Feb 2019 12:23 ]Bare hyggelig :blomst

Da jeg stokket falt det ett enkelt kort ned på gulvet, så jeg gir deg det, men du får et til som er trukket på "vanlig" måte.

Det som falt ut er:

Unfinished Symphony

The Oracle’s message: This is a time to tie up loose ends as you near the completion of a cycle or project and mastery of a lesson or skill. Before you can move forward, it’s important that you come to terms with where you are now. Practice radical acceptance. Take inventory so that emotional and psychological closure can occur and the answers you seek will be found. You can’t move forward if you are leaving things unfinished. Reflect on what has passed so that the symphony can finally end on a high note.

Relationship message: Moving on is difficult when love lingers, things are left unsaid, and you haven’t had the opportunity for closure in your relationship and in your heart. You can still feel bound up in relationships when closure is denied you. It’s important to achieve this for yourself. Write that letter, make that call, or have that conversation over a cup of coffee. For peace of mind, accept matters as they are, make amends if need be, and declare your feelings, even if only to yourself. Be clear about what was left unresolved, and close the door on the past so you can set yourself free. Only then can new love blossom.

Prosperity message: Make sure you complete projects now before starting new ones. Perhaps you have created something special that will increase your sense of abundance and bring you opportunities for wealth. However, if you don’t see it through, it won’t add up to anything but more clutter. Now is the time to put your nose to the grindstone and complete the tasks that have accumulated. Pay your bills, sign the documents, do your filing, hand in an assignment, complete a work of art. Tie up loose ends so you can move forward with surety, knowing you’re on the prosperous path and feeling refreshed and excited about the future.

(Her fant jeg ikke opp/ned-betydningen på nett)

Så fikk du:

Higher Power

Higher Power ~ Essential meaning: “Conscious contact with a Higher Power; the presence of the Divine; seeing Source energy in all things; committing to a partnership with Spirit.”

The Oracle’s Message: “This card reminds you that you are more than a person trying to get ahead and make things happen for ourselves and others. You have an immortal soul and are gifted with a human life through which a Higher Power can express itself. At this time, you need to be conscious of your connection to Spirit and foster it through prayer and meditation. Ask: What is the highest good for all? How can I serve? Then get out of your own way and trust that there is a plan for your life more wondrous than you can ever know. You are always protected and Divinely directed.”

Relationship Message: “It is time to address how much effort you give to your relationship with your Higher Power, called God, Goddess, Spirit, or any other name that is sacred and holy. Recognize that your partnership with Spirit is your number one priority. The appearance of this card also indicates that there is a deep spiritual bond between you and another person who is essential to your growth and evolution. Tend to your spiritual connections and remain aware of your true nature.

Prosperity Message: “Sometimes your work just flows through you – ideas come rushing in, and inspiration bubbles up from a wellspring you didn’t even know you could access. When you enter agreements, begin projects, and negotiate deals with Spirit as your partner, you will always succeed. Let your Higher Power lead. The synchronicities and intuitive nudges you feel will help you see which way you are being pointed, giving you confidence to move forward in the right direction. Don’t forget to give credit where it is due. You wouldn’t be a success without Spirit’s guidance. Humility will serve you well when this symbol appears.”

Protection Message: “Now is the time to examine what you are giving energy and attention to in the back of your mind. If you are obsessing about being right; about old resentments or failed expectations; about money; or about any other people, places or things, these will be the source from which you create. But you want Spirit to be your Source! Take heart, for your Higher Power will never desert you and is always waiting for you to remember the sacred partnership you share. Turn away from other sources of power that don’t serve your highest good. There is no greater Source than Spirit. You can always surrender your troubles and trust that they will be taken care of. You are in good hands.”
Takk for at du gadd! :)
Jeg føler nok kanskje at det første kortet traff best, spesielt oracle og prosperity. Jeg driver og tenker og planlegger en endring i livet og har tenkt mye av det samme selv. Prosperity nr 2 traff også litt. De andre delene fikk jeg ikke helt til å stemme, eller kanskje jeg ikke forsto dem helt. Eller kanskje jeg må komme tilbake senere å lese dem for å se om jeg skjønner mer :)
Antall ord: 909
When life knocks me down, instead of getting back up I usually just lay there and take a nap

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Artemis »

Svartepus skrev: 20 Feb 2019 20:19
Takk for at du gadd! :)
Jeg føler nok kanskje at det første kortet traff best, spesielt oracle og prosperity. Jeg driver og tenker og planlegger en endring i livet og har tenkt mye av det samme selv. Prosperity nr 2 traff også litt. De andre delene fikk jeg ikke helt til å stemme, eller kanskje jeg ikke forsto dem helt. Eller kanskje jeg må komme tilbake senere å lese dem for å se om jeg skjønner mer :)
Ja, bare hyggelig det :). Har bare en del problemer med helsa og at jeg kræsjer litt energimessig innimellom, og da synes jeg det er vanskelig å koble seg på også, så derfor tok det tid. Men så bra at det var noe som stemte, ser ut til at jeg skulle stolt på kortet som falt ut da :D. Jeg tenker at det som passer best er det man skal ta til seg, det var jo i utgangspunktet Prosperity du spurte etter også, så da er kanskje ikke de andre tolkningene like relevante :)

Takk for tilbakemeldingen! :)
Antall ord: 178

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av g.r.y »

Artemis skrev: 20 Feb 2019 11:19
g.r.y skrev: 20 Feb 2019 07:00 Hiver meg gjerne på jeg også når/hvis du har tid & anledning :)

På forhånd takk
Absolutt! Nå var jeg i siget, så her får du et kort med én gang:

Between Worlds

The Oracle’s message: Between the worlds is where you must let go of the tendency to make assumptions. This is a time when you are unable to see what is ahead. Cultivate curiosity, and trust the process of change and growth. You are done learning the lessons of recent experiences. In this place, between what was and what will be, is a state of making and unmaking and making again. What is essential now is to admit not knowing. There is great freedom and power to be unleashed. A mystery that is not yours to understand weaves the web of life, within a Divine matrix of consciousness greater than your own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, desires, and decisions. The seeds that were planted in the past begin to take root, but what surfaces will probably not be what you expect. When you are between the worlds, you are invited to see with the curious eyes of a child glimpsing a rainbow for the first time. Do so and you will not be disappointed.

Relationship message: This is a time to explore the new energy between you and another. It is not a moment for certainty but rather for discovery and curiosity. You don’t yet know if this will last forever, so allow yourself to explore who you are and what is reflected back to you. This relationship is meant to educate you about yourself. What do you need? What do you like or dislike? What values are important to you? You are in a critical phase of your relationship that is not to be dismissed or hurried.

Prosperity message: In your work, sometimes you try things that have worked for others, hoping that you, too, will be successful. When this symbol appears, it reminds you that sometimes the path to your prosperity is a gamble. Win or lose, you can learn much from what comes of your wager. It’s a good time to bet on your skills and talents in new and different arenas. Remain curious, and with the right combination of timing and luck, you will stumble upon something golden that will be unlike anything you’ve known before.
Takker så mye! Det kan se ut som om du har truffet meget vel her :klemme
Antall ord: 428
The majority's concept of the truth isn't necessarily the actual truth.
Use your own mind. - Always!

~ Gry ~

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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Avianti »

Jeg står ved en korsvei i livet mitt og aner ikke hvilken vei jeg skal velge nå. Trenger litt veiledning.
Antall ord: 21
du styrer din fremtid mer enn du aner

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NYTT Diskusjons forum for andre tema enn det paranormale.

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Startet: 15 Feb 2017 17:15
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Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Artemis »

g.r.y skrev: 28 Feb 2019 18:47
Takker så mye! Det kan se ut som om du har truffet meget vel her :klemme
Så bra! :blomst
Antall ord: 26

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NYTT Diskusjons forum for andre tema enn det paranormale.

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Innlegg: 181
Startet: 15 Feb 2017 17:15
Har takket: 125 ganger
Blitt takket: 99 ganger

Re: Artemis legger kort

Innlegg av Artemis »

Avianti skrev: 04 Mar 2019 03:36 Jeg står ved en korsvei i livet mitt og aner ikke hvilken vei jeg skal velge nå. Trenger litt veiledning.
Hei Avianti, du fikk

By the Book

The Oracle’s message: The universe works within a structure of Divine laws and principles that provides a framework for human experience and evolution. The Law of Abundance, the Law of Prayer, the Law of Karma, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Thought, the Law of Compensation, and the Law of Nature are only a few that are known. These principles create perfect order and operate with a kind of precision beyond human understanding. Even revolution has its place in universal law. Human beings, in turn, have their own laws and customs that vary from culture to culture and family to family. Laws keep social order and govern behavior, reflecting an instinctive understanding that harmony is important. This is a time to learn these laws and conform to them, rather than being the rebel and flouting them. When this card appears, submit to structure and follow the rules even if they seem to make no sense. Release resistance, for universal laws will correct any disharmony. Open your eyes to those universal laws, and it will be easier to go by the book at this time.

Relationship message: Getting along with others entails understanding and respecting who they have become as a result of their environment, culture, and experience. Find the middle ground that allows the relationship to flourish while honoring the individuality of the other person. Play things by the book instead of trying to break the rules or pressure others to conform to the way you want to do them. Your connection will deepen as a result.

Prosperity message: At this time, you can expect a return on your investment. Whatever you have pursued—be it a dream you’ve long cherished, a skill you’ve cultivated, or a service you’re called to—will come to you if you are willing to go by the book. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to be successful. Follow in the footsteps of others who have already achieved the things you’re striving for. You can learn a lot by observing the structures that are already working. Your creative projects and commitment to prosperity are in alignment with the needs of the world, but impatience may tempt you to cut corners to get there more quickly. Stick with what you know works, and you will attract abundance.

Håper det gir noe mening for deg :)
Antall ord: 432

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NYTT Diskusjons forum for andre tema enn det paranormale.

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