Her er 13 ulike fenomen, hendelser ting vitenskapen ikke forstår eller har klart å skjønne seg på.
1 The placebo effect
2 The horizon problem
3 Ultra-energetic cosmic raysNothing can travel faster than the speed of light, so there is no way heat radiation could have travelled between the two horizons to even out the hot and cold spots created in the big bang and leave the thermal equilibrium we see now.
4 Belfast homeopathy resultsFOR more than a decade, physicists in Japan have been seeing cosmic rays that should not exist.
5 Dark matterThe study, replicated in four different labs, found that homeopathic solutions - so dilute that they probably didn't contain a single histamine molecule - worked just like histamine.
6 Viking's methane
7 TetraneutronsThe mission's scientists have all agreed that if Levin's instruments on board the landers detect emissions of carbon-14-containing methane from the soil, then there must be life on Mars.
8 The Pioneer anomalyFOUR years ago, a particle accelerator in France detected six particles that should not exist (see Ghost in the atom). They are called tetraneutrons: four neutrons that are bound together in a way that defies the laws of physics.
9 Dark energyTHIS is a tale of two spacecraft. Pioneer 10 was launched in 1972; Pioneer 11 a year later. By now both craft should be drifting off into deep space with no one watching. However, their trajectories have proved far too fascinating to ignore.
That's because something has been pulling - or pushing - on them, causing them to speed up.
10 The Kuiper cliffIT IS one of the most famous, and most embarrassing, problems in physics. In 1998, astronomers discovered that the universe is expanding at ever faster speeds. It's an effect still searching for a cause - until then, everyone thought the universe's expansion was slowing down after the big bang.
11 The Wow signalIF YOU travel out to the far edge of the solar system, into the frigid wastes beyond Pluto, you'll see something strange. Suddenly, after passing through the Kuiper belt, a region of space teeming with icy rocks, there's nothing.
Astronomers call this boundary the Kuiper cliff, because the density of space rocks drops off so steeply. What caused it? The only answer seems to be a 10th planet. We're not talking about Quaoar or Sedna: this is a massive object, as big as Earth or Mars, that has swept the area clean of debris.
12 Not-so-constant constantsIT WAS 37 seconds long and came from outer space. On 15 August 1977 it caused astronomer Jerry Ehman, then of Ohio State University in Columbus, to scrawl "Wow!" on the printout from Big Ear, Ohio State's radio telescope in Delaware. And 28 years later no one knows what created the signal. "I am still waiting for a definitive explanation that makes sense," Ehman says.
But that's heresy. Alpha is an extremely important constant that determines how light interacts with matter - and it shouldn't be able to changeIN 1997 astronomer John Webb and his team at the University of New South Wales in Sydney analysed the light reaching Earth from distant quasars. On its 12-billion-year journey, the light had passed through interstellar clouds of metals such as iron, nickel and chromium, and the researchers found these atoms had absorbed some of the photons of quasar light - but not the ones they were expecting.
13 Cold fusion
Alt dette er funnet på
http://space.newscientist.com/article.n ... 524911.600
Det er mange fenomener som er observert og bevist, men som ikke vitenskapen kan forklare hvorfor fungerer.
Men de, vitenskapsfolka er ikke like bombastiske til å si at det er innbildning eller løgn, allikevel, som det ser ut at noen her prøver å påstå.
Nysgjerrigheten og åpenheten gjenkjenner ekte vitenskap.
Eller som en sa.
Vitenskap er det vi gjør, når vi ikke vet hva vi holder på med.
(Sitat fra Schrødingers katt sist torsdag.